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with the deal with Mercury and looked to

other labels to find a larger market for

songs or performers that exceeded D’s

limited resources. He leased material to

MGM, for example, but forged a stronger

relationship and a better deal with United

Artists Records when it began to try to

establish a foothold in the country music

market in 1961, essentially becoming the

label’s head of country A&R.

Initially, the relationship with UA

involved placing hot or promising D

material with the larger label, like Tony

Douglas’ hit


Soon, however,

Daily was doing with UA what he’d done

with Mercury: bringing them the cream of

his stable of artists, recording new material

in Nashville meant specifically for United

Artists. Glenn Barber was the first of these,

and then on September 27, 1961, the day

before Daily produced George Jones’ final

sessions for Mercury, he took Burns and

Country Johnny Mathis into Bradley’s

Film & Recording Studio to cut a split


Daily must have worried if either man

was worth the risk, especially with Jones

already giving him as many headaches as

hits. Burns may have been on the rebound,

but Mathis, who had been part of Daily’s

stable since 1957, had been as problematic

as Jones had been - and as erratic as Burns

had been his first time around with Daily

- drinking heavily, selling parts or all of

songs for ready cash, generally sabotaging

his career and Daily’s investment. But he

was a great writer and a fine singer and

Daily stuck with him. While Mathis cut

the minor classic

Thinking Too Far


Burns cut two songs credited to

himself, Buddy Word and Walt Breeland,

Patches On My Heart


Blue House

Painted White.

According to Johnny Bush, whose

Devil’s Disciple

Burns would cut the

following March, Daily’s bringing Burns

back into the fold was tactical more than

anything else.

“Pappy…had called him

in…to piss George Jones off,”

Bush writes

in ‘Whiskey River


“Jones was getting

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