Wer war/ist Jimmy Anderson ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Jimmy Anderson
In 1962, when EXCELLO had a big hit by Slim Harpo on their books but were not recording him during a dispute with Jay Miller about payments, they accepted for release some Jay Miller recordings by a younger Baton Rouge harp player, Jimmy Ander- son, originally from Mississippi. Their logic in looking for a re- placement artist in Harpo's style was sound, and Miller also recorded Silas Hogan for EXCELLO at this time, along with Whis- pering Smith and other Baton Rouge contenders for the blue space created by Harpo's absence from the studio.
Jimmy Ander- son said that he and Silas Hogan drove over to Crowley to see Miller at Harpo's insistence. Possibly Harpo was harboring the notion of changing record labels and was trying to provide his own successors to EXCELLO. Miller certainly took the view at the time that Slim was not irreplaceable – though he would turn out to be wrong.
Anderson was originally from Natchez, Mississippi, born the only child in a sharecropping family in 1934. In the mid-1950s he moved to Baton Rouge for work and tried to play music wherever he could. He was living on North Thirty-Fifth Street, not far from Harpo, when, he said, "I met Slim way back when I used to walk around with an acoustic guitar and a harp on a rack and that's...
© Bear Family Records
Extract from: Various Artists - Blues Kings Of Baton Rouge (2-CD) - BCD17512
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Weitere Informationen zu Jimmy Anderson auf de.Wikipedia.org