Wer war/ist Bobby Brant ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr


Born in Vinita, Oklahoma in 1933, Bobby Poe has been a music business survivor. His father, Nelson Poe, was a traveling preacher and musician who appeared on radio throughout the mid-west, but wasn't a great role model because he was often away from his family for years at a time. The Poes moved to Coffeyville, Kansas. Bobby married a telephone operator, Ora Mae, and they had two kids.

He worked at a pump manufacturer while trying to get his band, the Poe Kats, off the ground. Poe was the lead vocalist on their covers of white rock 'n' roll songs, black pianist Big Al Downing covered Little Richard and Fats Domino hits, and Vernon Sandusky played guitar. Joe Brawley was on drums.

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Weitere Informationen zu Bobby Brant auf de.Wikipedia.org

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