Wer war/ist Max De Bernardi ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Max De Bernardi
Veronica Sbergia - washboard, vocals
Tracks: B8
Successful and highly respected artists in their own rights, together Max and Veronica are truly something special. With just their voices and a few acoustic instruments, this delectable duo have put together an extraordinary repertoire of American Roots music from Country and Folk, to Ragtime and Swing, from Gospel to Blues and back again.
But more than that, their melodious tales are so evocative, and their attention to tradition so faithful, that your senses will be taken over as you go on an unforgettable journey through music history of the Southern States of America during the 20’s and 30’s. Their songs and stories may be steeped in the past, but their music is very much alive, and made for modern eyes, ears, hearts, souls, minds, drinking dens and dancing halls!
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Various Lockdown Sessions - A Downhome Blues Revue (2-CD)
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