Wer war/ist Jimmy Dotson ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

Jimmy Dotson

One of the last survivors of the 1950s blues scene, Jimmy Dotson was born in Ethel north of Baton Rouge in 1934 and played off and on with most of the main bluesmen of the town, styling himself as "a kind of utility musician," filling in on drums, guitar or bass as necessary. He worked occasionally with Lightning Slim and Slim Harpo but spent most of his time with Silas Hogan's Rhythm Ramblers who backed him on his first recording session for Jay Miller. Looking For My Baby was placed on Miller's new ZYNN label, aimed at R&B and rock 'n' roll sales, but the song was perhaps too bluesy for that. It opens with Sylvester Buckley taking a thin, reedy harp solo over Dotson's slapping beat that also carries guitar solos by Silas Hogan and Isaiah Chattman. Dotson sings adequately but without any real spark and his career on records never really took off. He moved to Arkansas, played with Albert King and made an early 1960s disc for the HOME OF THE BLUES label before he came back to Baton Rouge to become a regular at 'Tabby's Blues Box,' moving on again to Houston, Texas in later life...

© Bear Family Records
Extract from: Various Artists - Blues Kings Of Baton Rouge (2-CD) - BCD17512

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Weitere Informationen zu Jimmy Dotson auf de.Wikipedia.org

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