Wer war/ist The Drakes ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr


The Drakes, from East Chicago. Indiana, were Tom Daniel (lead/tenor), Lincoln Mabins (baritone). and three brothers—William Anderson (baritone). Robert Anderson (tenor), and Ira Anderson (bass). Daniel sang lead on and wrote the four songs the group recorded. The first session in May 1955 pro-duced "Mello Daddy" and lust A Dream." which appeared on Bang Goes My Heart. The second session in October 1955 pro-duced "Take A Giant Step- and "Let Them Talk." The uptem-po cut. "Take A Giant Step," is a bouncy number where Daniel sings about the steps the suitor must take to win his girl. "Let Them Talk," is an attractive ballad. Unfortunately. for the group—as fine as they were—Leonard Allen chose not to release any of the Drakes record-ings. But the Drakes—with one personnel change (William Anderson was replaced by Larry Crues)—eventually got on wax as the Dream Kings. recording a strong local hit "M.T.Y.L.T.T.," for the Checker label in 1957.
THE DRAKES - Ira Anderson, Robert Anderson, Lincoln Mabins, Floyd Brooks and Tom Daniel

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