Wer war/ist Los Teen Tops ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Los Teen Tops
Los Teen Tops was another pioneering Mexican rock and roll group that achieved important successes. They were formed in Mèxico City in 1959, all of its members between the ages of 18 and 22, and began playing shows in coffee shops in the Mexican capital. Their first single was re- corded in May of 1960 on the Discos Columbia imprint; La Plaga b/w El Rock De La Jail were the Spanish adaptions of Little Richard’s Good Golly Miss Molly and Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock.
The tremendous success of the single opened the door for the band to record their first album. Two more albums followed in 1961, and a series of single releases took the group up to 1964. Their famous lead singer Enrique Guzmán had left Los Teen Tops by then and the invasion of British beat groups reached Mexico, so hardly two of their songs on average managed to be successful. Nevertheless, Los Teen Tops stayed with the sound that made them famous and continued recording and performing until 1966. They reformed in 1976, cutting an album for the Texas- based Falcon label, and a few singles for the Mexican Orféon logo followed before they disappeared again in late 1978...
Marc Mittelacher in August 2020
© Bear Family Records®
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Various Artists
The Right To Rock - The Mexicano And Chicano Rock'n'Roll Rebellion 1955-1963 (CD)
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