Wer war/ist The Martells ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
The Martells
The Martells, sometimes spelled The Martels, were a black Bay Area vocal group built around their lead singer Eulis Mason. The other members were probably Joseph Robinson, plus Andrews and Phillips (their first names are unknown to us). These Martells not to be confused with a white Martells vocal group from Nashville on the Nasco label. Eulis and his Martells had two releases on Bella. Their first Bella single came in December 1959, and they were right on time for the Christmas season with the groovy up-tempo doo wop number Rockin’ Santa Claus, written by Mason and Robinson and accompanied by The Bella Tones Orchestra. Their second Bella single came a year later in December of 1960. Doo-wop gained immense popularity in the early ‘60s, especially in California (as evidenced in the film ‘American Graffiti’). That’s probably the reason that both tracks on Bella 21 were reissued on Cessna 477 in 1961 (Cessna was yet another San Jose independent label).
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