Wer war/ist The Morgan Twins ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
The Everly Brothers’ hitmaking reign spawned a platoon of youthful imitators sporting similar well-honed vocal harmonies. Hailing from Little Rock, Arkansas, The Morgan Twins were ahead of the pack when it came to studio supervision; Chet Atkins, responsible for a lot of the guitar flash on the Everlys’ smashes, was their RCA producer, and several of the same Nashville musicians that backed the Everlys played on their pair of 1958 platters. Jim and Bob Morgan had a hot songwriter handing them material, too: wheelchair-bound Melvin Endsley, the pride of Drasco, Arkansas, had penned Singing The Blues and Knee Deep In The Blues, which made a whole lot of money for Marty Robbins in 1956-57.
Endsley, a victim of childhood polio, discovered the duo on a local TV program. He made a couple of demos on his protégés at a Little Rock radio station and played them for Atkins. Melvin penned both sides of the Twins’ rocking debut, TV Hop and This Feelin’s Bound To Be Love. When the single didn’t hit, Victor coupled the insistent Let’s Get Goin’, waxed May 21, 1958 and featuring dazzling guitar work from Chet and Hank Garland, and While It Lasted, two more Endsley compositions, as the duo’s encore. The Twins wrote Sittin’ In The Drive-In, their sax-spiced ’59 release on the Lansky brothers’ Memphis-based Peak Records (a less frantic Don’t You Think It’s Nice occupied the flip). A ’63 pairing of As You Were and Johnny Come Lately on the duo’s own E&M logo completed their slim discography.
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