Wer war/ist Cathy Winter ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Cathy Winter
The Vets' Song
Cathy Winter
Folk singer Cathy Winter recorded three solo albums in the '80s and '90s: 'Breath Of My Fire' ['86], 'Travelling Home', the album that included The Vets' Song ['87], and 'Next Sweet Time' ['92]. Before striking out on her own she had collaborated with Betsy Rose on the LPs 'Sweet Sorcery' and 'As Strong As Anyone Can Be.' Both Winter and Rose had strong reputations for singing 'women's music,' songs that brought "women's culture to the widest possible audience, in rural as well as urban areas." A 1980 review for the Vancouver Folk Music Festival commented that, "their music ranges from jazz to traditional folk styles. From 'Bridget And The Pill,' to songs of working women, waitresses, truck drivers and union maids."
Winter wrote The Vets' Song from the perspective of a World War II veteran. "The cause that we won was fine/Those who returned welcomed with open arms/They said it was a glorious time." Nevertheless, the white-haired old man carries a hidden scar; "that killing is a skill he'll always know."
Various - History Next Stop Is Vietnam 1961-2008 (13-CD)
Read more at: https://www.bear-family.com/various-history-next-stop-is-vietnam-1961-2008-13-cd.html
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