Wer war/ist Terry Allen ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Singer/songwriter/pianist born in Lubbock, Texas in 1943. His debut album, 'Juarez', was released on the Fate label in 1976.
Maybellene [as 'Whatever Happened To Jesus And Maybellene'] (4:36) 1980
45: Fate 1001 ● USA, 1980 (picture sleeve)
LP: Smokin' The Dummy [Fate 2] ● USA, 1980
CD: Smokin' The Dummy / Bloodlines [Sugar Hill SHCD-1057] ● USA, 1994
Album recorded July-August 1980 at Caldwell Studios, Lubbock, Texas. All songs are by Allen except this one – probably the most unusual version ever of this Berry classic. It starts off with a self-composed ditty, 'Whatever happened to Jesus and where did that good ole boy go?' (plus a few more lines), followed by 'Whatever happened to Mary? Whatever happened to her sweet dreams? Did she leave them behind with her childhood or just trade 'em in on a tube of Maybelline? Ahhh, Maybellene why can't you be true...' and so on. I like that. Allen really did make his own unique version of the song without copying anyone else!
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