Wer war/ist The Amboy Dukes ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
The Amboy Dukes - Ted Nugent, guitar; Steve Farmer, rhythm guitar; Dave Palmer, drums; Bill White, bass (re-placed by Greg Arama); Rick Lober, piano, organ (replaced by Andy Solomon) and John Drake, vocals (replaced by Rusty Day, ex-Detroit Wheels) — hailed from Detroit. They broke nationally with the Top Twenty hit 'Journey To The Centre Of The Mind' in 1968 on Mainstream. Personnel changes didn't deter their rank bad taste : Steve Farmer really knew how to write a pretentious lyric and brash, abrasive Ted Nugent, the first to put himself in a class with Hendrix or Beck, was a dab hand at adapting to other in-fluences. He pulled out all the stops in their wild stage shows, and still does with the new Amboy Dukes which re-surfaced in 1974 with Call Of The Wild (DiscReet). The man who learnt his licks from Keith Richard and Jim McCarthy of the Godz can still turn in the grossest ever version of `Maybelline'. The closest they came to a good album was Migration, their last in 1969.
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