Wer war/ist The Five C's ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
The Five C's. from Gary. Indiana. were brought to Alien by local deejay Sam Evans. One of Evans' relatives. Clarence Anderson, was in the group, along with Curtis Nevils, Melvin Carr, and
Carlos Tollever. That gives us four Cs. Nobody has been able to recall the fifth (though his first or last name must have started with that letter). The Five C's amended Gary Froebel High. Allen took the Five C's into the studio for the their first ses-sion in December 1953. producing "Tell Me," a bouncy poppish doowop. It received good play in Los Angeles, and got the group its first notices during the initial months of 1954. The group's second session, on May 25. 1954. produced another fine release with the poppish mid-tempo "Goody. Goody." with a flip featuring a lovely ballad, "My Heart's Got the Blues." This session also yielded a jump version of the Italianate standard, "There's No Tomorrow" (derived from "0 Sole Mio") and the easy swinging "I Long For You." The Five C's were on one more session. on July 30, 1954, which produced—with terrific support from the Eddie Chamblee combo—a superb droopy doowop, "Going My Way." and a pop-sounding jump. "I Want to Be Loved." These went unreleased, and the Five C's were soon history.
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