Wer war/ist Chris Gantry ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

Chris Gantry

US Singer/Songwriter


Chris Gantry (Christopher Cedzich) was born December 29th, 1942 in Queens, New York. He began his career as a singer/songwriter at age fourteen with a recording contract for Paramount Records. He moved to Nashville in 1963, after three years at Bethel College in McKenzie, Tennessee.

Chris has written more than 1,000 songs - some of them as collaborations with Nashville's best - Kris Kristofferson, Mel Tillis, Shel Silverstein, and Eddie Rabbit.

Seventy of his songs were recorded by various artist; Roy Clark, Johnny Cash, Sonny Curtis, Robert Goulet, Wayne Newton, Johnny Lee, Reba McEntire, Billy Walker, Garry Pucket and Rhett Akins, including "Dreams of the Everyday Housewife", by Glen Campbell. "Dreams of the Everyday Housewife" won three M.M.I awards plus the Millionaire's Award for over two million Performances. It also won the Nashville's Songwriter Award in 1968. Chris recorded five albums for Monument and ABC Dot Records. (last.fm)




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At The House Of Cash (LP)
Chris Gantry: At The House Of Cash (LP) Art-Nr.: LPDRGC686

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