Wer war/ist CURTIS HOBACK ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
We know very little about CURTIS HOBACK (aka. Hobeck), except that he recorded for C&C Records, and had singles on the Jackson, Tennessee-based Lu Records and on a couple of other small Tennessee labels. One of his singles was a rather lame rock ‘n’ roll version of Tom Dooley. In 1960 he covered Lonely Weekendsfor the ‘Musicenter’ label, and at some point that year he turned up at Sun. One of the songs he recorded, Apron Strings, has a surprisingly convoluted history. It was cowritten by Aaron Schroeder, who cowrote It’s Now Or Never, A Big Hunk O’ Love, etc., and was Gene Pitney’s manager. The first version was by Little David (Schroeder), presumably one of Aaron’s relatives. Music publisher Freddy Bienstock took the song to Germany to play for Elvis, and although Elvis recorded a version at home he apparently passed on it, and Beinstock gave it to Cliff Richard, who put it on the flip side of Livin’ Doll. Jay B. Loyd, another hard luck Memphis singer, recorded it for Hi, although it wasn’t released, and Sam Phillips chose not to release Hoback’s version either. It’s not without its flaws, but if they’d given it another couple of takes they might have nailed it.
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