Wer war/ist Annie Laurie ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

ANNIE LAURIE Best known for her 1947 hit, 'Since I Fell For You, Annie Laurie was a vocalist with Paul Gayten's band for several years. The stirring 'Now That You're Gone' was one of several sides she and Gayten recorded for De Luxe in 1949.

—JEFF HANNUSCH, NEW ORLEANS, JULY 2000 (author of I Hear You Knockin'• The Sound of New Orleans Rhythm and Blues and the forthcoming The Right Place: The New Orleans Beat)
Sources: Whiskey Woman and...#9 and #10 — A De luxe and Regal Feast! by Bill Daniels, Walkin' To New Orleans by John Broven, & I Hear You Knockin' by Jeff Hannusch

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Weitere Informationen zu Annie Laurie auf de.Wikipedia.org

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