Wer war/ist Clarence "Cripple" Lofton ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
"Cripple" Clarence Lofton was born March 28. 1887 in Kingsport, TN. and became a fixture in the 35th/State area of Chicago. He's a domi-nant member of what I call the Raggedy-Ass school of woogie.
He never really hits a wrong note but slaps the keys in a way that you wonder how he does it. He made few recordings in the 30s (for various Brunswick and Decca labels) but, happily was more prolific on the Solo Art and Session labels. (Delmark is working on a CD of the latter.) His classic is Streamline Train which is perhaps an updating of Cow Cow Blues. He died in Chicago Jan. 9, 1957.
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