Wer war/ist Frankie Marvin ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Frankie Marvin
The most prolific of all Jimmie Rodgers imitators was Frankie Marvin (1904-1985), a vaudeville veteran who, in addition to pursuing his own career as a singer, took a young Gene Autry under his wing, buying Rodgers records for Autry to learn. Marvin recorded under a variety of pseudonyms so that he could make records for multiple record labels at the same time. In June and July 1928, he recorded Kelly Harrell's Away Out On The Mountain for five different companies: the Plaza group, Brunswick, Edison, Pathé, and Gennett, with versions released on 21 different labels. We've included the Edison version, which was paired with a cover of Rodgers' Blue Yodel.
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Weitere Informationen zu Frankie Marvin auf de.Wikipedia.org