Wer war/ist Pie Plant Pete ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Pie Plant Pete (Claude Moye)
Pie Plant Pete (1906-1988), whose real name was Claude Moye, is one of the unsung heroes of early country music. Moye joined the WLS Barn Dance in 1928, singing novelty and mountain songs, playing both guitar and harmonica. The use of a wire frame, enabling a guitar player to play both instruments simultaneously, began in the 1920s with artists like Moye and Walter Peterson ('The Kentucky Wonder Bean'). Soon, Moye became acquainted with a young Wisconsin guitarist named Lester Polfus who would not only imitate Moye's style, but give himself a similar nickname, Rhubarb Red. (Pie plant is another name for rhubarb.) Polfus, of course, eventually became better known as guitarist/inventor Les Paul. Moye's version of Waiting For A Train (renamed Waiting For The Railroad Train) bears only a passing resemblance to Rodgers' version. The story remains the same, but the melody is quite different and Moye even added new lyrics. In addition, Moye included a very entertaining variant of Rodgers' yodel, combined with scatting syllables in a way that was also championed by Goebel Reeves.
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Weitere Informationen zu Pie Plant Pete auf de.Wikipedia.org