Wer war/ist Leon Rhodes ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

Leon Rhodes

A native of Dallas, Texas, Rhodes was sixteen when he joined the house band of the Big D Jamboree in 1948. By the time he signed with the Texas Troubadours in 1960, he was already a veteran of hundreds of hours of session work and live shows, even though he still thought of himself primarily as a professional fast-pitch softball player, with his music being a lucrative sideline. Rhodes membership in the Troubadours heralded the start of 'The Great Band' years. After leaving Tubb's band in 1966, Rhodes played for many years in the Grand Ole Opry's stage band and worked thousands of recording sessions – gaining the reputation of being one of the great classic country music guitarists.

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Weitere Informationen zu Leon Rhodes auf de.Wikipedia.org

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