Wer war/ist Lance Roberts ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

Nearly all the men and women to record for Sun have been documented exhaustively, but Lance Roberts remains murky. We do know that he was based in Norman Park, Georgia when he cut for Sun in 1960, and that his real name was Kenny Roberts (not to be confused with the veteran East Coast country singer of that name).

Prior to stopping at Sun, Lance made a pair of 1959 singles for Decca. All four songs were written by Nashville-based husband-and-wife team Boudleaux and Felice Bryant or Boudleaux by his lonesome. Lance beat Bob Luman to You’ve Got Everything by nearly a year-and-a-half (Luman waxed it for Warner Bros.). Why Can’t It Be So occupied the flip of Roberts’ first Decca release. Gonna Have Myself A Ball was Lance’s rollicking Decca encore, full of twangy guitar. What Would I Do sat on the B-side. Lance gravitated to Sun the next year for The Good Guy Always Wins and The Time Is Right, the latter penned by Quinton Claunch, Charlie Feathers, and his lead guitarist Jerry Huffman.

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Weitere Informationen zu Lance Roberts auf de.Wikipedia.org

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