Wer war/ist The Savoys ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
The Savoys
It’s quite a jungle that researchers have to fight through when it comes to vocal groups by the name of The Savoys. Of course, one Savoys group recorded for Savoy Records but there are plenty others who made recordings for such labels as Combo, Tip Top, Raynard, and so many others—and then we have The Savoys here on Bella. ‘Mr. Grumpy’ from UK’s No Hit Records wrote in the accompanying notes of their ‘Desperate Rock’n’Roll,’ The Flame
Box, in 1995: “Yet another west coast rocker. This area must’ve been a strong breeding ground for the weird, wacky and perverse.
Must’ve been something in the water”.
The Savoys were a white vocal trio consisting of Al Ritchie, Beverly Soares and Bruce Hird who had several releases of their own on the Bella and P.D.Q. labels around 1959. The Mortal Monster Man saw the light of day on Bella in May of 1959 according to ‘Billboard’s’ pop review in their June 1, 1959 issue. The song has a more developed, not to say polished, sound with its addition of piano and backing vocals, accompanied by The Bella Tones, and at least they must have used a real studio instead of someone’s living room. This horror rocker about the undead is still fondly played every Halloween by delinquents worldwide. The month of September 1959 saw another release on Bella 18, I Love My Baby b/w You And I, which was also released
in Jamaica (!) on Top Rank.
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