Wer war/ist Jens Turowski ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Jens Turowski
Jens Turowski aka Brother Snakeoil ́s journey in the blues world began at the age of 8! Bands like the Rolling Stones or the Yardbirds led him to discover the music of Muddy Waters, Howlin‘ Wolf et al.
This is where he found his musical home that inspired him to take up the guitar at the age of 12. His band Brother Snakeoil and The Medicine Men offers up a mix of 50s and 60s blues, where he fronts as both singer and guitarist. Influenced by guitarists such as Magic Slim, Otis Rush, Lurrie Bell, Lightning Hopkins and Mississippi Fred McDowell, Jens always manages to put his personal stamp on timeless classics and new numbers.
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Various Lockdown Sessions - A Downhome Blues Revue (2-CD)
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