Wer war/ist Bun Wilson ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Bun Wilson
Billy 'Bun' Wilson was an experienced performer when he joined the Texas Troubadours in 1960 – serving double duty as a comedian and the band's first official drummer. (Tubb had used drummers on his records for many years but not on the road. Wilson's addition was a sign of changing times.) Wilson was born near Paris, Tennessee and worked as both a comic and instrumentalist with many country stars including Cowboy Copas, Webb Pierce, Carl Smith and Red Sovine. As 'Little Bun Wilson' he recorded as a solo artist for the Nashville-based Speed label. Though his tenure as a Texas Troubadour was short (slightly over a year) his past work with Tubb provided the opportunity for him to capture the spot as resident cornpone comic on the Ernest Tubb Show. Wilson eventually began a long association with the Renfro Valley Barn Dance in Mt. Vernon, Kentucky where he continued to perform well into the 21st Century.
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