Presse - Pat Boone - Rocks - 50s* Collector By Bob Solly - Dezember 2009


ALBUM Reviews
50s* Collector By Bob Solly - Dezember 2009
In just over a month's time, you will have to be over 50 to have any personal recollection of the 50s. While you don't necessarily have to have lived the decade to talk about it, it certainly helps when measuring the impact of singers that meant so rauch, but who've now been given a long farewell by all but their staunch fans and those who know betten PAT BOONE Bocks ( 2 . . Bear Family) addresses one of the most instantly recognisable ballad stylists of the era, whose warm voice was a comforting mainstay of radio request programmes, such as the BBC's Family Favourites. He was a clean-living Christian, a happily

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Pat Boone - Pat Rocks
Pat Boone: Pat Boone - Pat Rocks Art-Nr.: BCD16933

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage

14,95 € 16,95 €