Wer war/ist Dwine Craven (Mr. Brown) ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

Dwine Craven (Mr. Brown)

'Dwine' or 'Hosie' Craven provides one of the album's highlights with his rip-roaring paean to his Mercury car. Although Craven is totally unknown today, the second name that Mercury placed on the label of his 78 – 'Mr. Brown' – indicated that they likely wanted disc jockeys or listeners to start the rumor that his high-pitched shrieks were none other than Roy Brown's, which they clearly were not! From late 1947 to the early 1950s Roy Brown's vocal style was dominant in New Orleans (and, indeed, through much of black popular music), clearing influencing this song, as well as others on these CDs by Joe Gaines, Pat Valdelar, and Alma Mondy. In turn, Craven's New Way Of Loving is a generic blues ballad that sounds nothing like Roy Brown.


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Various - Record Label Profiles
The Mercury New Orleans Sessions (2-CD)

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Weitere Informationen zu Dwine Craven (Mr. Brown) auf de.Wikipedia.org

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