Wer war/ist The Midnighters ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr

The Midnighters

The details are also scant concerning THE MIDNIGHTERS, a seven-piece rock 'n' roll group from Yorktown, south of Luling. Their lone session, held at ACA on February 5, 1961, amply demonstrates that limited musical ability colliding with unlimited hormones can sometimes produce wondrous results. Fitch probably suffered a midlife crisis during the session as the band rampaged through their repertoire of songs like Chuck Berry-struck Take A Message, Darling, the screaming Yes Baby, I'm Scared, and the outstanding twin-guitar rocker I Get The Blues. Charlie left all three of these in the can and instead opted to issue the two weakest tracks of the session for their 45. The record went nowhere, but singer Jimmy Payne revived both I Get The Blues and Yes Baby, I'm Scared with a different group, Dick Barton and the Rebels, for the Anthem label in San Antonio.

© Bear Family Records®

Excerpt from
Various - That'll Flat Git It!
Vol.18 - Rockabilly From The Vaults Of Sarg Records (CD)

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Ring A Ling (CD)
Hank Ballard & The Midnighters: Ring A Ling (CD) Art-Nr.: CDFG971007

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(1997/FamousGroove) 28 songs.
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In Thee Midnite Hour !!!!
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(2006/NORTON) 15 Tracks East L.A.-Dampfhammer-Rock'n'Roll, 1964-67!
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In Thee Midnite Hour !!!! (CD)
MIDNIGHTERS: In Thee Midnite Hour !!!! (CD) Art-Nr.: CDCED315

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(NORTON) 19 Tracks - Stampfen 1964-67 East L.A. Rock & Roll mit 16-seitigem Booklet.
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Only Annie's Aunt Fanny - Henry's Got Flat Feet (7inch, 45rpm, BC, CS)
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