Wer war/ist The Silvertone Singers ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
The Silvertone Singers
The Silvertone Singers are so obscure that even Lynn Abbott, the expert on 20th Century New Orleans gospel quartets, has never heard of them. But, even with only a sole acoustic guitar accompanying them, their recordings are a joyful noise indeed. Their workouts through these gospel standards are a study in gorgeous harmonies, amusing bass parts, and impassioned cries, mixing and interpolating layer upon layer. Such powerful sounds were the inspiration for Roy Brown, who was the true pioneer in bringing gospel music into popular black music when he declared, "I heard the news, there's good rockin' tonight!" at Cosimo Matassa's J&M Studio in New Orleans in 1947, setting the stage for the R&B, rock 'n' roll, and soul musical revolutions to come. Alma Mondy, Joe Gaines, Professor Longhair and other singers on these CDs obviously also spent their fair time singing in church. Other heirs to the New Orleans gospel quartet tradition include the Spiders (see their Bear Family CD collection) and the Zion Harmonizers, who still sing today. Gospel music still thrives in New Orleans, as evidenced every year in the Jazz and Heritage Festival's famed Gospel Tent, as well as in recent spiritual albums by local icons Aaron Neville and Irma Thomas.
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Various - Record Label Profiles
The Mercury New Orleans Sessions (2-CD)
© Bear Family Records ®
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