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The Orioles The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

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89,95 € * 109,95 € * (18,19% gespart)

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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit** 1-3 Werktage

  • BCD15682
  • 1.2
6-CD-Box (LP-Format) mit 16-seitigem Buch, 152 Titel. Spielzeit ca. 419 mns. Sonny Til war eine... mehr

The Orioles: The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

6-CD-Box (LP-Format) mit 16-seitigem Buch, 152 Titel. Spielzeit ca. 419 mns.

Sonny Til war eine der klassischen Stimmen der schwarzen Musik, und seine Gruppe, die Orioles, wird allgemein als die erste R&B Gesangsgruppe angesehen. Sie waren es, die den Ink Spots-Sound in die Moderne brachten und dabei einige unvergessliche Hits erzielten. Alle von ihnen sind hier, wie' It's Too Soon To Know, Crying In The Chapel, and Tell Me So. Das sind die Orioles von A-Z. Das Set beginnt 1948 und endet 1960. Mehr als 150 Aufnahmen für Jubilee Records, seltene Fotos und eine neu recherchierte Biografie erzählen die Geschichte von Sonny Til - vielleicht die größte Stimme in der Geschichte der Vokalgruppe - und den Orioles.

Video von The Orioles - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

Artikeleigenschaften von The Orioles: The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: The Orioles

  • Albumtitel: The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre R&B, Soul

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Preiscode FI
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 4000127156822

  • Gewicht in Kg: 1.2
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Barbra Lee The Orioles
02 It's Too Soon To Know The Orioles
03 Tell Me So (version 1) The Orioles
04 I Cover The Waterfront The Orioles
05 To Be To You The Orioles
06 It Seems So Long Ago The Orioles
07 (It's Gonna Be A) Lonely Xmas The Orioles
08 Deacon Jones The Orioles
09 Please Give My Heart A Break The Orioles
10 Tell Me So (version 2) The Orioles
11 Dare To Dream The Orioles
12 Moonlight The Orioles
13 Every Dog-Gone Time The Orioles
14 You're Gone The Orioles
15 Donkey Serenade The Orioles
16 It's A Cold Summer The Orioles
17 Is My Heart Wasting Time? The Orioles
18 I Challenge Your Kiss The Orioles
19 A Kiss And A Rose The Orioles
20 So Much The Orioles
21 Forgive And Forget The Orioles
22 What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? The Orioles
23 Would You Still Be The One In My Heart? The Orioles
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 You Are My First Love The Orioles
02 If It's To Be The Orioles
03 I Wonder When The Orioles
04 Everything They Said Came True The Orioles
05 I'd Rather Have You Under The Moon The Orioles
06 We're Supposed To Be Through The Orioles
07 We're Supposed To Be Through The Orioles
08 I Need You So The Orioles
09 Goodnight Irene The Orioles
10 I Cross My Fingers The Orioles
11 I Cross My Fingers The Orioles
12 Can't Seem To Laugh Anymore The Orioles
13 Walking By The River The Orioles
14 I Miss You So The Orioles
15 The Lord's Prayer The Orioles
16 Oh Holy Night The Orioles
17 I Had To Leave Town The Orioles
18 My Prayer The Orioles
19 I Never Knew (If I Could Love Anybody) The Orioles
20 Pal Of Mine The Orioles
21 Pal Of Mine The Orioles
22 Happy Go Lucky Local Blues The Orioles
23 Would I Love You (Love You, Love You) The Orioles
24 Would I Love You (Love You, Love You) The Orioles
25 When You're A Long, Long Way From Home The Orioles
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Barfly The Orioles
02 Hold Me! Squeeze Me! The Orioles
03 Baby, Please Don't Go The Orioles
04 Don't Tell Her What's Happened To Me The Orioles
05 I May Be Wrong The Orioles
06 Fool's World The Orioles
07 You Never Cared For Me The Orioles
08 For All We Know The Orioles
09 Blame It On Yourself The Orioles
10 How Blind Can You Be The Orioles
11 When You're Not Around The Orioles
12 Waiting The Orioles
13 My Loved One The Orioles
14 Shrimp Boats The Orioles
15 Trust In Me The Orioles
16 A Scandal The Orioles
17 It's Over Because We're Through The Orioles
18 It Ain't Gonna Be Like That The Orioles
19 Gettin' Tired, Tired, Tired The Orioles
20 Pretty, Pretty Rain The Orioles
21 Why Did You Go The Orioles
22 This I'll Do My Darling The Orioles
23 Proud Of You The Orioles
24 No Other Love The Orioles
25 The Night Has Come The Orioles
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 I Promise You The Orioles
02 My Baby's Gonna Get It The Orioles
03 Baby, I Love You So The Orioles
04 Once Upon A Time The Orioles
05 I Don't Want To Take A Chance The Orioles
06 Wanted The Orioles
07 I'm Beginning To Think You Care For Me The Orioles
08 Yes Indeed The Orioles
09 Don't Keep It To Yourself The Orioles
10 I Only Have Eyes For You The Orioles
11 Once In A While The Orioles
12 Good The Orioles
13 Piccadilly The Orioles
14 That's How I Feel Without You The Orioles
15 Love Birds The Orioles
16 Don't Cry Baby The Orioles
17 See See Rider The Orioles
18 Till Then The Orioles
19 Till Then The Orioles
20 Feeling Low The Orioles
21 Good Looking Baby The Orioles
22 Along About Sundown The Orioles
23 You Belong To Me The Orioles
24 Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me The Orioles
25 Teardrops On My Pillow The Orioles
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 (Danger) Soft Shoulders The Orioles
02 Have You Heard The Orioles
03 Lonely Wine The Orioles
04 Bad Little Girl The Orioles
05 Dem Days (Are Gone Forever) The Orioles
06 One More Time The Orioles
07 Crying In The Chapel The Orioles
08 Crying In The Chapel The Orioles
09 Don't You Think I Ought To Know The Orioles
10 Maybe You'll Be There The Orioles
11 Drowning Every Hope I Ever Had The Orioles
12 In The Mission Of St. Augustine (version 1) The Orioles
13 (Please) Write And Tell Me Why (version 1) The Orioles
14 In The Mission Of St. Augustine (version 2) The Orioles
15 (Please) Write And Tell Me Why (version 2) The Orioles
16 Robe Of Calvary The Orioles
17 There's No One But You The Orioles
18 Don't Go To Strangers The Orioles
19 Secret Love The Orioles
20 In The Chapel In The Moonlight The Orioles
21 Thank The Lord! Thank The Lord The Orioles
22 Longing The Orioles
23 If You Believe The Orioles
24 That's When The Good Lord Will Smile The Orioles
25 That's When The Good Lord Will Smile The Orioles
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep The Orioles
02 Fair Exchange The Orioles
03 I Love You Mostly The Orioles
04 I Need You Baby The Orioles
05 Moody Over You The Orioles
06 Please Sing My Blues Tonight The Orioles
07 Cigareetos The Orioles
08 Sitting Here The Orioles
09 Bring The Money Home The Orioles
10 Angel The Orioles
11 Don't Cry The Orioles
12 Sure Fire The Orioles
13 Danger The Orioles
14 Crying In The Chapel The Orioles
15 Tell Me So The Orioles
16 At Night The Orioles
17 Forgive And Forget The Orioles
18 Come On Home The Orioles
19 The First Of Summer The Orioles
20 Panama Joe The Orioles
21 Night And Day The Orioles
22 Shimmy Time The Orioles
23 So Long The Orioles
The Orioles Noch mehr als der Ravens 'Ol' Man River, The Orioles 'Es ist zu bald zu... mehr
"The Orioles"

The Orioles

Noch mehr als der Ravens 'Ol' Man River, The Orioles 'Es ist zu bald zu wissen, war der Flammpunkt der R & B Vocal Group Ära. Die Orioles appellierten stark an die Demographie des Teenagers; Sonny Tils Quecksilber-Lead-Tenor und gute Aussehen erhoben ihn zu Matinee-Idol-Status unter seinen afroamerikanischen weiblichen Fans. Unzählige Gruppen emulierten ihre unberührte Ballade. Sie waren unmissverständlich R & B eher als Pop. Til war geboren Earlington Carl Tilghman in Baltimore am 18. August 1925 (er mochte Al Jolson's Sonny Boy als ein Junge, inspiriert seinen Spitznamen). Nach einem Kriegsstopp in der Armee begann Til in den Amateur-Wettkämpfen im Baltimore's Avenue Cafe, wo er seine zukünftigen Gruppenkollegen traf: der erste Tenor Alexander Sharp, der zweite Tenor / Gitarrist Tommy Gaither, der Bariton George Nelson und nach Richard Williams Und ging, Bass Sänger / Bassist Johnny Reed.

Das ist auch, wo Til traf aufstrebende Songwriter Deborah Chessler, der ihre Management-Zügel nahm. Zuerst nannten sich Til und die Jungs die Vibra-Naires; Williams war immer noch bei ihnen, als sie nach New York reisten, um im Mai '48 auf 'Arthur Godfreys Talent Scouts' zu konkurrieren. Sie verloren den blind Jazz Pianist George Shearing, aber Godfrey lud sie zurück, um auf seinem täglichen Radio-Programm durchzuführen. Auf der Grundlage einiger Demos überzeugte Chessler Jerry Blaine von Jubilee Records, um ein neues Label zu gründen. Es ist ein Natürliches, um ihre Gruppe zu präsentieren. Bevor sie im Juli von '48 mit dem Reed jetzt auf die Unterseite gekommen waren, war ein Namenswechsel in Ordnung: Sie haben geholfen, einen anderen Trend zu beginnen, indem sie sich selbst nennen. Die Orioles (ein Vogel, der mit ihrer Heimatstadt verbunden ist).

Chessler reichte ihnen eine zarte, ultra-langsame Ballade, die sie geschrieben hatte. Es ist zu bald zu wissen. Til sang Blei in seinem zitternden Tenor und übergab Front-Pflichten für einige der zweiten Strophe nach Nelson viel die Art und Weise Bill Kenny machte Platz für Hoppy Jones auf die Tintentreffe Hits. Instrumentation war spärlich: Gaither, Reed und Sid Bass auf allen aber unhörbaren Klavier. Freigegeben, dass im selben Monat, Es ist zu bald zu wissen, war eine Sensation, rocketing an die Spitze der R & B-Charts, dass November, machte eine # 13 Pop-Aufprall, und zieht ein Floß von Cover von jedem von The Ravens und Charioteers zu Dinah Washington und Ella Fitzgerald Es war die erste von einer Lawine von Hits für die junge Gruppe: (Es ist Gonna Be A) Einsames Weihnachten am Jahresende wurde von der R & B Chart-Topper Tell Me So und fünf weitere im Jahr 1949 allein gefolgt. Alle von ihnen schlagen die Racks auf Jubiläum (wie spätere Pressungen von Es ist zu bald zu wissen), Blaine zieht den Stecker auf Es ist ein Natürlicher, weil es zu viel wie National klingt, wo die Raben, Prime-Wettbewerb für die Orioles, ihre Aufnahme gemacht hat


The Orioles The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD)
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Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Barbra Lee
02 It's Too Soon To Know
03 Tell Me So (version 1)
04 I Cover The Waterfront
05 To Be To You
06 It Seems So Long Ago
07 (It's Gonna Be A) Lonely Xmas
08 Deacon Jones
09 Please Give My Heart A Break
10 Tell Me So (version 2)
11 Dare To Dream
12 Moonlight
13 Every Dog-Gone Time
14 You're Gone
15 Donkey Serenade
16 It's A Cold Summer
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18 I Challenge Your Kiss
19 A Kiss And A Rose
20 So Much
21 Forgive And Forget
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23 Would You Still Be The One In My Heart?
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 You Are My First Love
02 If It's To Be
03 I Wonder When
04 Everything They Said Came True
05 I'd Rather Have You Under The Moon
06 We're Supposed To Be Through
07 We're Supposed To Be Through
08 I Need You So
09 Goodnight Irene
10 I Cross My Fingers
11 I Cross My Fingers
12 Can't Seem To Laugh Anymore
13 Walking By The River
14 I Miss You So
15 The Lord's Prayer
16 Oh Holy Night
17 I Had To Leave Town
18 My Prayer
19 I Never Knew (If I Could Love Anybody)
20 Pal Of Mine
21 Pal Of Mine
22 Happy Go Lucky Local Blues
23 Would I Love You (Love You, Love You)
24 Would I Love You (Love You, Love You)
25 When You're A Long, Long Way From Home
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Barfly
02 Hold Me! Squeeze Me!
03 Baby, Please Don't Go
04 Don't Tell Her What's Happened To Me
05 I May Be Wrong
06 Fool's World
07 You Never Cared For Me
08 For All We Know
09 Blame It On Yourself
10 How Blind Can You Be
11 When You're Not Around
12 Waiting
13 My Loved One
14 Shrimp Boats
15 Trust In Me
16 A Scandal
17 It's Over Because We're Through
18 It Ain't Gonna Be Like That
19 Gettin' Tired, Tired, Tired
20 Pretty, Pretty Rain
21 Why Did You Go
22 This I'll Do My Darling
23 Proud Of You
24 No Other Love
25 The Night Has Come
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 I Promise You
02 My Baby's Gonna Get It
03 Baby, I Love You So
04 Once Upon A Time
05 I Don't Want To Take A Chance
06 Wanted
07 I'm Beginning To Think You Care For Me
08 Yes Indeed
09 Don't Keep It To Yourself
10 I Only Have Eyes For You
11 Once In A While
12 Good
13 Piccadilly
14 That's How I Feel Without You
15 Love Birds
16 Don't Cry Baby
17 See See Rider
18 Till Then
19 Till Then
20 Feeling Low
21 Good Looking Baby
22 Along About Sundown
23 You Belong To Me
24 Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me
25 Teardrops On My Pillow
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 (Danger) Soft Shoulders
02 Have You Heard
03 Lonely Wine
04 Bad Little Girl
05 Dem Days (Are Gone Forever)
06 One More Time
07 Crying In The Chapel
08 Crying In The Chapel
09 Don't You Think I Ought To Know
10 Maybe You'll Be There
11 Drowning Every Hope I Ever Had
12 In The Mission Of St. Augustine (version 1)
13 (Please) Write And Tell Me Why (version 1)
14 In The Mission Of St. Augustine (version 2)
15 (Please) Write And Tell Me Why (version 2)
16 Robe Of Calvary
17 There's No One But You
18 Don't Go To Strangers
19 Secret Love
20 In The Chapel In The Moonlight
21 Thank The Lord! Thank The Lord
22 Longing
23 If You Believe
24 That's When The Good Lord Will Smile
25 That's When The Good Lord Will Smile
Orioles, The - The Jubilee Recordings (6-CD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep
02 Fair Exchange
03 I Love You Mostly
04 I Need You Baby
05 Moody Over You
06 Please Sing My Blues Tonight
07 Cigareetos
08 Sitting Here
09 Bring The Money Home
10 Angel
11 Don't Cry
12 Sure Fire
13 Danger
14 Crying In The Chapel
15 Tell Me So
16 At Night
17 Forgive And Forget
18 Come On Home
19 The First Of Summer
20 Panama Joe
21 Night And Day
22 Shimmy Time
23 So Long