Wer war/ist Sally Dotson & Smoky Babe ? - CDs, Vinyl LPs, DVD und mehr
Sally Dotson & Smoky Babe
One of Harry Oster's best discoveries at the Cage and Thomas jam sessions was Robert Brown, known as 'Smoky Babe,' who Oster described as "a migrant worker from Itta Bena, age 35, currently working odd jobs in Scotlandville" on the northern edge of Baton Rouge. Brown had migrated there from Mississippi by way of steel mills in Alabama, the night clubs of New Orleans and the river barges of Baton Rouge. Smoky Babe was a really fine guitarist and singer, captured by Oster at a session held at the Scotlandville home of Mable Lee Williams, Robert Pete's sis- ter. As well as his own recordings Smoky backed Sally Dotson, a friend of Mabel Lee and a former girlfriend of Robert Pete Williams, who sang the engaging Your Dice Won't Pass, a song that referred to the dice game of craps but had a hidden message for her man, too. She recorded again in 1966 for expert blues researcher, David Evans, as did her brothers, Lee and Robert Jenkins, and Isaiah Chattman, a neighbor of Robert Pete Williams who recorded with Silas Hogan in the early 1960s...
© Bear Family Records
Extract from: Various Artists - Blues Kings Of Baton Rouge (2-CD) - BCD17512
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