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John Wayne John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set)

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10-CD/1-DVD, Schmuckbox in LP-Grösse mit 464-seitigem gebundenem Buch (30x30); 316 Einzeltitel...mehr

John Wayne: John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set)

10-CD/1-DVD, Schmuckbox in LP-Grösse mit 464-seitigem gebundenem Buch (30x30); 316 Einzeltitel (Audio), 27 Einzeltitel (DVD); Spieldauer CDs ca. 12 Stunden.

Die bislang umfassendste Tribute-Veröffentlichung für den Mann, den sie 'Duke' nannten und der vor nunmehr 30 Jahren gestorben ist.John Wayne lebt nicht mehr, doch er bleibt unvergessen. Noch heute zählt er zu den drei populärsten Filmschauspielern aller Zeiten.

Zum Set gehören: Die Filmmusiken seiner unvergessenen Western! Alle Titelsongs der Originalinterpreten! Songs, die von Wayne-Filmen inspiriert wurden! Ein 464-Seiten-Buch mit einer John-Wayne-Biographie des Filmwissenschaftlers Richard W. Bann. Das Buch enthält außerdem Reproduktionen Hunderter Filmposter aus unterschiedlichsten Ländern, Aushang- und Standfotos! Bonus: eine DVD mit Filmtrailern und Aufnahmen hinter den Kulissen!

John Wayne war Amerika. Selbst dreißig Jahre nach seinem Tod gehört der Mann, den sie 'Duke' nannten, noch immer zu den drei populärsten US-Filmstars aller Zeiten. Wir präsentieren hier John Wayne als Mittelpunkt seiner Filmmusiken und der Poster-Kunst, basierend auf seinen vielen unvergessenen Wildwestfilmen. Die CD/DVD-Box enthält die mitreißenden Soundtracks seiner beliebtesten Western (darunter 'The Searchers', 'The Alamo', 'The Sons Of Katie Elder' und 'True Grit'). Zu den Interpreten, die an den Original-Filmmusiken beteiligt waren, gehören u.a. die Sons Of The Pioneers, Glen Campbell,
die Limeliters, Ed Ames, Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins und viele andere. Dazu kommen Extra-Songs, die von John-Wayne-Filmen inspiriert wurden, etwa Frankie Avalons The Ballad Of The Alamo, Gene Pitneys The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance und Claude Kings The Comancheros. Die Extra-DVD enthält Film-Trailer und Ausschnitte von Szenen hinter den Kulissen. Außerdem gehört ein weiteres Highlight zu diesem Set - ein 464-seitiges gebundenes Buch (Sammler-Edition!) mit einer John-Wayne-Biografie des renommierten Filmwissenschaftlers Richard W. Bann sowie mit mehreren hundert Filmpostern, Aushang- und Standfotos - reproduziert in bestechenden Farben! Die Poster stammen aus den USA und vielen anderen Ländern wie zum Beispiel Argentinien, Japan, Australien, England, Deutschland, Belgien, Frankreich, Spanien, Italien und Schweden. Dies ist die bei weitem umfangreichste, jemals veröffentlichte Zusammenstellung der so wirkungsvollen Musik und Grafikkunst im Zusammenhang mit den Western-Klassikern von John Wayne!

Soundtracks aus folgenden Filmen sind enthalten: (Die Liste finden Sie am Ende des Textes)

Video von John Wayne - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set)

Artikeleigenschaften vonJohn Wayne: John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Interpret: John Wayne

  • Albumtitel: John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set)

  • Genre Country

  • Label Bear Family Records

  • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
  • Preiscode SE
  • Artikelart Box set

  • EAN: 4000127167392

  • Gewicht in Kg: 4
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01Overture (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
02De Guella And The Green Leaves Of SummerJohn Wayne
03David Crockett Arrives (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
04David Crockett's Speech (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
05Raid For Cattle (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
06Tennessee Babe (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
07Here's To The Ladies (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
08Ballad Of The Alamo (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
09The Green Leaves Of Summer (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
10General Santa Anna (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
11David Crockett (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
12The Green Leaves Of Summer (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
13Charge Of Santa Anna: Death Of David CrockettJohn Wayne
14Finale (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
15Tennessee Babe (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
16The Green Leaves Of Summer (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
17Here's To The Ladies (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
18The Ballad Of The Alamo (from: THE ALAMO)John Wayne
19North To Alaska (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)John Wayne
20If You Knew (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)John Wayne
21Go North (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)John Wayne
22North To Alaska (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)John Wayne
23Main Title (from: THE COMANCHEROS)John Wayne
24Red Wing (from: THE COMANCHEROS)John Wayne
25The Comancheros (from: THE COMANCHEROS)John Wayne
26Main Title (from: LIBERTY VALANCE)John Wayne
27The Man Who Shot Liberty ValanceJohn Wayne
28End Title (from: LIBERTY VALANCE)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01Overture (ext. version):How The West Was WonJohn Wayne
02Main Title (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
03This Is The West (from:HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
04The Erie Canal (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
05Two Hearts On A Tree (from: HOW THE WEST WASJohn Wayne
06Shenandoah (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
07First Meeting (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
08First Kiss (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
09The Morning After (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WONJohn Wayne
10The River Pirates (Stalking And Killing)John Wayne
11Godspeed Eve (Godspeed Eve / The Rapids)John Wayne
12The Burial (Bereavement / Rock Of Ages)John Wayne
13Wagon Train Forward (Wagon Train & War)John Wayne
14Sit Down Sister (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
15Wanderin' (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
16The Jump Off Point (from:HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
17Cleve Van Valen (extended version)John Wayne
18Poor Wayfarin' Stranger (from:HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
19Raise A Ruckus Tonight (from: HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
20Come Share My Life (from: HOW THE WEST ..)John Wayne
21Cheyennes (ext. version)(from:HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
22Careless Love (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
23Gold Claim (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
24What Was Your Name In The States (ext.vers.)John Wayne
25He's Gone Away (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
26A Home In The Meadow (from: HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
27Marriage Proposal (from:HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
28Entr'acte (ext. version):How The West Was WonJohn Wayne
29Mr. Lincoln (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
30He's Linus' Boy (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
31I'm Sad And I'm Lonely (from: HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
32When Johnny Comes Marching HomeJohn Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01Zeb's Return (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
02The Pony Express (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
03A Railroader's Bride I'll BeJohn Wayne
04Workin' (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
05The Jugglers (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
06No Goodbye (outtake) (from: HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
07Zeb And Jethro (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
08Buffalo Stampede (Aftermath)John Wayne
09Climb A Higher Hill (ext. version)John Wayne
10The Van Valen Auction (from: HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
11Gant (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
12No Goodbye (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
13Celebration (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
14Finale (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
15Finale Ultimo (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)John Wayne
16Exit Music: Banks Of The SacramentoJohn Wayne
17Miss Bailey's Ghost (playback)John Wayne
18A Home In The Meadow (playback version)John Wayne
19When I Was Single (playback version)John Wayne
20Shenandoah (alternate version)John Wayne
21Rock Of Ages (playback version)John Wayne
22The Erie Canal (playback version)John Wayne
23Wait For The Hoedown (extended version)John Wayne
24First Meeting (alternate version)John Wayne
25No Goodbye (demo) (from: HOW THE WEST..)John Wayne
26A Home In The Meadow (alternate version)John Wayne
27Main Title & Katherine Theme(from:McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
28Hurry Up Hoedown (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
29The Other Woman (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
30Rowdaych (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
31Run Katie Run (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
32McClintock's Theme (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
33The Young (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
34The Lover's Waltz (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
35Just Right For Me (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
36Red Garters (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
37The Cakewalk (from: McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
38Katie With Light Red Hair(from:McLINTOCK!)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01Main Title (from: THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER)John Wayne
02Texas Is A Woman (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)John Wayne
03The Elders Fight (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)John Wayne
04Dangerous Journey (from:THE SONS OF K.ELDER)John Wayne
05Trouble In Town (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)John Wayne
06Return To Town (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)John Wayne
07The Sons Of Katie ElderJohn Wayne
08Rebuked (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)John Wayne
09Memories of Clearwater(from:THE SONS OF K.E.)John Wayne
10Sheriff Ambushed (from: THE SONS OF K. ELDER)John Wayne
11Katie's Bible (from: THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER)John Wayne
12Hastings Ranch (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)John Wayne
13El Dorado (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
14La Mariposa (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
15Dos Espuelas (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
16Free Frijoles (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
17Hasta Luego (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
18Shoot Out (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
19La Noche Y Las Estrellas (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
20Cuerval (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
21La Cantina (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
22El Dorado (from: EL DORADO)John Wayne
23True Grit (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
24Rooster (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
25Mattie And Little Blackie (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
26A Dastardly Deed (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
27Papa's Things (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
28True Grit (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
29Chen Lee And The General (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
30Big Trail (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
31Cogburn Country (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
32True Grit (from: TRUE GRIT)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01Dixie (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
02I Left My Love (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
03Lorena (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
04Bonnie Blue Flag (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
05I Left My Love (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
06When Johnny Comes Marching HomeJohn Wayne
07Bonnie Blue Flag (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
08The Girl I Left Behind MeJohn Wayne
09Deep River / Lorena (THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
10Kingdom Coming (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
11Tenting Tonight (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
12By The Campfire (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)John Wayne
13When Johnny Comes Marching HomeJohn Wayne
14Main Title-Ballad Of The War Wagon(WAR WAGON)John Wayne
15Ballad Of The War Wagon (Studio) (WAR WAGON)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01Main Title (from: THE UNDEFEATED)John Wayne
02The Battle Cry Of Freedom / Dixie(UNDEFEATED)John Wayne
03Yankee Doodle / End Title (THE UNDEFEATED)John Wayne
04Ballad Of John Chisum (from: CHISUM)John Wayne
05Polka (from: CHISUM)John Wayne
06Turn Me Around (from: CHISUM)John Wayne
07Main Title / End Title (from: RIO LOBO)John Wayne
08Main Title (from: BIG JAKE)John Wayne
09End Title (from: BIG JAKE)John Wayne
10Orchestral Sequence (from: THE TRAIN ROBBERS)John Wayne
12Streets Of Laredo (from:CAHILL, US MARSHAL)John Wayne
13Orchestral Sequence (from:CAHILL, US MARSHAL)John Wayne
14A Man Gets To Thinking (CAHILL, US MARSHAL)John Wayne
15Main Title / End (from: ROOSTER COGBURN)John Wayne
16Main Title (from: THE SHOOTIST)John Wayne
17Tit-willow (from: THE SHOOTIST)John Wayne
18End Title (from: THE SHOOTIST)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01Main Title / Return From Patrol (RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
02Yellow Stripes (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
03Soldiers Fight (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
04I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen(RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
05Dispossessed (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
06Cattle Call (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
07Indian Chant (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
08Aha, San Antone (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
09Reunion (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
10Indian Raid / Escape (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
11The Erie Canal (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
12Laundresses' Row (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
13My Gal Is Purple (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
14Down By The Glenside (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
15Footsore Cavalry (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
16Meeting At The Rio Grande (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
17Confederate Dollars And Yankee GoldJohn Wayne
18The Girl I Left Behind Me (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
19Tyree Meets The Wagon Train (from:RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
20Call Your Volunteers (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
21Indian Dance (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
22Nighttime Approach (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
23Coming Home (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
24Dixie / End Title (from: RIO GRANDE)John Wayne
25Main Title (from: THE FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN)John Wayne
26Eight Hundred Miles (FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN)John Wayne
27Oh, Hangman, Let Me Down(FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN)John Wayne
28Six Hundred Miles (FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN)John Wayne
29Main Title / End Title (from: HONDO)John Wayne
30The Searchers (from: THE SEARCHERS)John Wayne
31Skip To My Lou (THE SEARCHERS)John Wayne
32We Will Gather At The River (THE SEARCHERS)John Wayne
33The Searchers (Studio) (THE SEARCHERS)John Wayne
34Main Title (from: RIO BRAVO)John Wayne
35My Rifle, Pony & Me (Intro by John Wayne)John Wayne
36Cindy (from: RIO BRAVO)John Wayne
37De Guello (from: RIO BRAVO)John Wayne
38Rio Bravo (Studio version) (from: RIO BRAVO)John Wayne
39My Rifle, My Pony And Me (Studio) (RIO BRAVO)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01Main Title / End Title (from: THE BIG TRAIL)John Wayne
02Square Dance (from: THE BIG TRAIL)John Wayne
03Main Title / End Title (from: HAUNTED GOLD)John Wayne
04Sweet Genevieve (from: HAUNTED GOLD)John Wayne
05Main Title (from: TEXAS CYCLONE)John Wayne
06End Title (from: TEXAS CYCLONE)John Wayne
07Main Title: My Pony Boy (RIDE HIM, COWBOY)John Wayne
08Till We Meet Again (from: RIDE HIM, COWBOY)John Wayne
09She'll Be Comin' Round The MountainJohn Wayne
10Main Title (from: THE BIG STAMPEDE)John Wayne
11Oh Susanna (from: THE BIG STAMPEDE)John Wayne
12End Title (from: THE BIG STAMPEDE)John Wayne
13Main Title: March (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)John Wayne
14Orchestral Sequence (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)John Wayne
15Country Dance (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)John Wayne
16Oh Susanna (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)John Wayne
17Mandy Lee (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)John Wayne
18Main Title (from: SOMEWHERE IN SONORA)John Wayne
19March (from: SOMEWHERE IN SONORA)John Wayne
20Main Title (spanish) (THE MAN FROM MONTEREY)John Wayne
21[El Zapatero] (from: THE MAN FROM MONTEREY)John Wayne
22[Confida a me] (from: THE MAN FROM MONTEREY)John Wayne
23Main Title (Sagebrush Trail)John Wayne
24A Cowboy's Song Of Fate (RIDERS OF DESTINY)John Wayne
25Song Of The Wild (from: RIDERS OF DESTINY)John Wayne
26Main Title (The Star Packer (THE LUCKY TEXAN)John Wayne
27Main Title (Blue Steel) (WEST OF THE DIVIDE)John Wayne
28March (from: THE MAN FROM UTAH)John Wayne
29Main Title (Randy Rides Alone)John Wayne
30Sobre Las Olas (from: RANDY RIDES ALONE)John Wayne
31Main Title (from: 'NEATH ARIZONA SKIES)John Wayne
32Main Title (The Desert Trail)(RAINBOW VALLEY)John Wayne
33When We Were Young And Foolish (PARAD.CANYON)John Wayne
34Once Again (from: PARADISE CANYON)John Wayne
35Main Title (from: WESTWARD HO)John Wayne
36Covered Wagons Rolling West (WESTWARD HO)John Wayne
37The Rocky Road To Town (WESTWARD HO)John Wayne
38The Girl I See In My Dreams (WESTWARD HO)John Wayne
39Drinkin' (from: LAWLESS RANGE)John Wayne
40On The Banks Sunny San Juan (LAWLESS RANGE)John Wayne
41The Old Dusty Road Back Home (LAWLESS RANGE)John Wayne
42Main Title (from: THE LAWLESS NINETIES)John Wayne
43Oh Susanna (THE LAWLESS NINETIES)John Wayne
44Main Title (from: KING OF THE PECOS)John Wayne
45Orchestral Sequence (from: KING OF THE PECOS)John Wayne
46Main Title (from: LONELY TRAIL)John Wayne
47Camptown Races (from: THE LONELY TRAIL)John Wayne
48Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (THE LONELY TRAIL)John Wayne
49Old Folks At Home (from: THE LONELY TRAIL)John Wayne
50Main Title / End Title (PALS OF THE SADDLE)John Wayne
51Orchestral Sequence (OVERLAND STAGE RAIDERS)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 9
01Main Title (from: STAGECOACH)John Wayne
02Orchestral Sequence (from: STAGECOACH)John Wayne
03[Al pensar en ti] (from: STAGECOACH)John Wayne
04End Title (from: STAGECOACH)John Wayne
05End Title (from: WYOMING OUTLAW)John Wayne
06Main Title (from: THE NEW FRONTIER)John Wayne
07The Land Of The New Frontier (NEW FRONTIER)John Wayne
08[Way Out On The Range] (THE NEW FRONTIER)John Wayne
09Main Title / End Title (ALLEGHENY UPRISING)John Wayne
10Jeannie McDougal (from: ALLEGHENY UPRISING)John Wayne
11Fife and Drum March (ALLEGHENY UPRISING)John Wayne
12Yankee Doodle (from: ALLEGHENY UPRISING)John Wayne
13Main Title / End Title (from: DARK COMMAND)John Wayne
14Main Title (from: THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS)John Wayne
15Unconstant Lover (THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS)John Wayne
16Brahms Lullaby (THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS)John Wayne
17Orchestral Sequence (SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS)John Wayne
18Happy, Happy Hunting Ground (SHEPHERD HILLS)John Wayne
19Main Title / End Title (from: THE SPOILERS)John Wayne
20California Joe (from: IN OLD CALIFORNIA)John Wayne
21Jerusalem My Happy Home (IN OLD CALIFORNIA)John Wayne
22March (from: IN OLD CALIFORNIA)John Wayne
23There's Gold In The Valley (OLD CALIFORNIA)John Wayne
24Main Title (from: LADY TAKES A CHANCE)John Wayne
25Singin' It, Swingin' It (LADY TAKES A CHANCE)John Wayne
26Main Title / End Title (IN OLD OKLAHOMA)John Wayne
27Red Wing (from: IN OLD OKLAHOMA)John Wayne
28Put Your Arms Around Me Honey (OLD OKLAHOMA)John Wayne
29Down By The Old Mill Stream (OLD OKLAHOMA)John Wayne
30Pierpoint Morgan (from: IN OLD OKLAHOMA)John Wayne
31Main Title / End Title (TALL IN THE SADDLE)John Wayne
32Main Title / End Title (BARBARY COAST)John Wayne
33Too Much Mustard (FLAME OF BARBARY COAST)John Wayne
34Baby Blue Eyes (FLAME OF BARBARY COAST)John Wayne
35Love, Here Is My Heart (BARBARY COAST)John Wayne
36Love, Here Is My Heart (from: BARBARY COAST)John Wayne
37Carrie, Marry Harry (from: BARBARY COAST)John Wayne
38By The Light Of The Silvery MoonJohn Wayne
39That Man Is Always On My MindJohn Wayne
40Have A Heart (FLAME OF BARBARY COAST)John Wayne
41Main Title (from: DAKOTA)John Wayne
42Coax Me! (from: DAKOTA)John Wayne
43Orchestral Sequence (ANGEL AND THE BADMAN)John Wayne
44There's Something In Your Eyes (BADMAN)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 10
01Main Title (from: FORT APACHE)John Wayne
02McCafferty's March (from: FORT APACHE)John Wayne
03Sweet Genevieve (from: FORT APACHE)John Wayne
04Orchestral Sequence (from: FORT APACHE)John Wayne
05Irish Jig (from: FORT APACHE)John Wayne
06Oh, Dem Golden Slippers (from: FORT APACHE)John Wayne
07Col. Thursday's Charge (from: FORT APACHE)John Wayne
08Settle Down To Missouri (from: RED RIVER)John Wayne
09She Wore A Yellow RibbonJohn Wayne
10Orchestral Sequence (YELLOW RIBBON)John Wayne
11Main Title (from: THREE GODFATHERS)John Wayne
12Streets of Laredo (from: THREE GODFATHERS)John Wayne
13Orchestral Sequence (from: THREE GODFATHERS)John Wayne
14Shall We Gather At The River (GODFATHERS)John Wayne
15Opening 'Screen Directors' Guild Assignment'John Wayne
16Intro by George Marshall and John FordJohn Wayne
17StagecoachJohn Wayne
18Short discussion of the production (from:NBC)John Wayne
19Closing by Frank Barton (from: 1949 NBC)John Wayne
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 11
01Stagecoach - Trailer (1939)John Wayne
02She Wore A Yellow Ribbon - Trailer (1948)John Wayne
03Three Godfathers - Trailer (1948)John Wayne
04Rio Grande - Trailer (1950)John Wayne
05Hondo - Trailer (1953)John Wayne
06The Searchers - Trailer (1956)John Wayne
07Natalie Wood InterviewJohn Wayne
08Jeffrey Hunter InterviewJohn Wayne
09Monument ValleyJohn Wayne
10Rio Bravo - Trailer (1959)John Wayne
11The Horse Soldiers - Trailer (1959)John Wayne
12The Alamo - Trailer (October 24, 1960)John Wayne
13North To Alaska - Trailer (1960)John Wayne
14The Comancheros - Trailer (1961)John Wayne
15The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - TrailerJohn Wayne
16How The West Was Won - Trailer (1962)John Wayne
17McLintock! - Trailer (1963) + Making OfJohn Wayne
18The Sons Of Katie Elder - Trailer (1965)John Wayne
19The War Wagon - Trailer (1967) + Makin OfJohn Wayne
20El Dorado - Trailer (June 1967)John Wayne
21True Grit - Trailer (July 1969)John Wayne
22The Undefeated - Trailer (November 1969)John Wayne
23Chisum - Trailer (1970) + Orig. DocumentationJohn Wayne
24Rio Lobo - Trailer (December 1970)John Wayne
25Big Jake - Trailer (June 1971)John Wayne
26The Cowboys - 3 Trailer (1972) + Making OfJohn Wayne
27The Train Robbers - Trailer (February 1973)John Wayne
28Cahill, United States Marshal -Trailer (1973)John Wayne
29Rooster Cogburn - Trailer (1975)John Wayne
30The Shootist - Trailer (1976)John Wayne
"My main duty was to ride, fight, keep my hat on, and at the end of the shooting still have... mehr
"John Wayne"

"My main duty was to ride, fight, keep my hat on, and at the end of the shooting still have enough strength left to kiss the girl and ride off on my horse, or kiss my horse and ride off on the girl, whichever they wanted."
John Wayne


"Meine Hauptaufgabe war es, zu reiten, zu kämpfen, meinen Hut aufzusetzen und am Ende des Schießens noch genug Kraft zu haben, um das Mädchen zu küssen und auf meinem Pferd zu reiten, oder mein Pferd zu küssen und auf dem Mädchen zu reiten, was immer sie wollten."
John Wayne


Regisseur John Ford beriet ihn während'Stagecoach' (1939), "Duke, du wirst viele Szenen in deinem Leben bekommen. Sie werden Ihnen kitschig vorkommen. Spielen Sie'em. Spielen Sie sie bis zum Anschlag. Wenn es East Lynne ist, spielen Sie es. Du wirst damit klarkommen. Aber wenn du anfängst, es mit der Zunge in der Wange zu spielen und süß zu werden, verlierst du dich selbst aus den Augen.... und die Szene ist verloren."

Das wird der Tag sein.

John Wayne war das Symbol des amerikanischen Mutes und der Tugend. Er war schüchtern gegenüber Frauen, aber konkurrenzfähig und hart gegenüber Männern, hart, wenn es sein musste. Mit seinem Kampfgeist, groß und stark, um Recht gegen Unrecht zu verteidigen, definierte der Ehrfurcht gebietende John Wayne den Inbegriff des patriotischen Amerikaners, den größten aller wahren Cowboy-Helden. Und es war nicht nur eine idealisierte Rolle, die er in Filmen spielte, sondern eine Rolle, die er lebte, denn das war, wer und was John Wayne war. Der traditionelle Westernstar, der Mann, der Mythos, der überlebensgroße Ethan Edwards, Sean Thornton, Rooster Cogburn, The Ringo Kid, Hondo, sie waren alle still und für immer gleich, wirklich. Sie waren Männer von Integrität, unbesiegbar, und sie versuchten immer, das Richtige zu tun.

Marion Robert Morrison wurde am 26. Mai 1907 in der kleinen Stadt Winterset, Iowa, geboren. Sein zweiter Vorname wurde in Michael geändert, als ein jüngerer Bruder, Robert Emmett Morrison, in die Familie aufgenommen wurde. Ihre Eltern waren Mary A. Brown und Clyde L. Morrison, praktizierende Protestanten. Er führte eine Apotheke in Winterset, bis ein Arzt die trockene, wüstenartige Luft des fernen Südkaliforniens zur Behandlung von chronischem Asthma und Herzproblemen verschrieb. So zog die Familie 1913 in den Westen. Sie lebten ein paar Jahre auf einer kleinen Ranch in der Nähe der Mojave-Wüste in Lancaster, bevor sie nach Glendale, näher an Hollywood, umzogen. Kaliforniens Grenztage waren dann vorbei, aber das Leben war immer noch hart für die meisten Leute. Die Morrisons fanden es so.

Als Junge war sich Marion Morrison seines Namens bewusst. Er hatte nur wenige Freunde und wurde stattdessen meistens in Begleitung eines großen Airedale-Hundes namens Duke gesehen, was ihm den Namen'Little Duke' einbrachte. Es wurde ihm von den freundlichen Feuerwehrleuten der Nachbarschaft gegeben; sie waren so nett, den Hund zu beobachten, während sein Herr in der Schule beschäftigt war. Und es geht ihm gut.

Clyde Morrison hat seinen kleinen Söhnen drei Lektionen zum Leben beigebracht. Erstens, halte dein Wort. Zweitens, sei ein Gentleman; beleidige niemanden absichtlich. Drittens, suchen Sie nie nach Ärger, aber wenn Sie sich verteidigen müssen, machen Sie es zu einem Kampf, den Sie gewinnen. Der Junge lernte auch Mut und Kameradschaft kennen, wie er es mit den echten Helden seiner Feuerwehr tat.

Da die Familie kaum zahlungsfähig war, half Little Duke dabei, Geld zu verdienen, indem er Handzettel in der Stadt verteilte, um für das lokale Kino zu werben. Dies ermöglichte es ihm, alle neuen Bildershows kostenlos zu sehen, wo er seine Ausbildung fortsetzte. Die Favoriten des Youngsters waren Western mit frühen (stummen) Cowboy-Helden - Tom Mix, Hoot Gibson und vor allem Harry Carey, dessen zurückhaltende Art Morrison kopieren würde. Einige dieser Stars erschienen in Western unter der Regie von John Ford.

Frpm book BCD16739 - John Wayne John Wayne - In Music & Poster ArtRead more at:
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Kundenbewertungen für "John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set)"


Un superbe coffret pour tous les inconditionnels de western et de John Wayne. À avoir absolument chez soi !


super danke

'tomorrow is the most important thing in life' ...John Wayne



Awesome remastering! 60's and 70's titles sound like 2016 (older titles do not sound as good but surely better than they never did)! Music and songs from more than 65 classic westerns! The rarest tracks as bonuses (alternate studio, movie versions, covers)!
As of the book : most beautiful movie book I ever saw! Period! Deluxe paper and poster reproductions are just works of art...
My first Bear Family box set, surely not the last!


To all concerned,
I just received my \JOHN WAYNE'S WEST\" and I am absolutely thrilled.
Credos to all who worked on this, they need a raise!
I've been trying to find recordings of songs from my favorite John Wayne/John Ford films for I don't know how long, and this is it. And I can't tell you how I stumbled onto it. But what a collection!! Absolutely fantastic!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 1
01 Overture (from: THE ALAMO)
02 De Guella And The Green Leaves Of Summer
03 David Crockett Arrives (from: THE ALAMO)
04 David Crockett's Speech (from: THE ALAMO)
05 Raid For Cattle (from: THE ALAMO)
06 Tennessee Babe (from: THE ALAMO)
07 Here's To The Ladies (from: THE ALAMO)
08 Ballad Of The Alamo (from: THE ALAMO)
09 The Green Leaves Of Summer (from: THE ALAMO)
10 General Santa Anna (from: THE ALAMO)
11 David Crockett (from: THE ALAMO)
12 The Green Leaves Of Summer (from: THE ALAMO)
13 Charge Of Santa Anna: Death Of David Crockett
14 Finale (from: THE ALAMO)
15 Tennessee Babe (from: THE ALAMO)
16 The Green Leaves Of Summer (from: THE ALAMO)
17 Here's To The Ladies (from: THE ALAMO)
18 The Ballad Of The Alamo (from: THE ALAMO)
19 North To Alaska (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)
20 If You Knew (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)
21 Go North (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)
22 North To Alaska (from: NORTH TO ALASKA)
23 Main Title (from: THE COMANCHEROS)
24 Red Wing (from: THE COMANCHEROS)
25 The Comancheros (from: THE COMANCHEROS)
26 Main Title (from: LIBERTY VALANCE)
27 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
28 End Title (from: LIBERTY VALANCE)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 2
01 Overture (ext. version):How The West Was Won
02 Main Title (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
03 This Is The West (from:HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
04 The Erie Canal (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
05 Two Hearts On A Tree (from: HOW THE WEST WAS
06 Shenandoah (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
07 First Meeting (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
08 First Kiss (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
09 The Morning After (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON
10 The River Pirates (Stalking And Killing)
11 Godspeed Eve (Godspeed Eve / The Rapids)
12 The Burial (Bereavement / Rock Of Ages)
13 Wagon Train Forward (Wagon Train & War)
14 Sit Down Sister (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
15 Wanderin' (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
16 The Jump Off Point (from:HOW THE WEST..)
17 Cleve Van Valen (extended version)
18 Poor Wayfarin' Stranger (from:HOW THE WEST..)
19 Raise A Ruckus Tonight (from: HOW THE WEST..)
20 Come Share My Life (from: HOW THE WEST ..)
21 Cheyennes (ext. version)(from:HOW THE WEST..)
22 Careless Love (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
23 Gold Claim (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
24 What Was Your Name In The States (ext.vers.)
25 He's Gone Away (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
26 A Home In The Meadow (from: HOW THE WEST..)
27 Marriage Proposal (from:HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
28 Entr'acte (ext. version):How The West Was Won
29 Mr. Lincoln (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
30 He's Linus' Boy (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
31 I'm Sad And I'm Lonely (from: HOW THE WEST..)
32 When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 3
01 Zeb's Return (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
02 The Pony Express (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
03 A Railroader's Bride I'll Be
04 Workin' (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
05 The Jugglers (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
06 No Goodbye (outtake) (from: HOW THE WEST..)
07 Zeb And Jethro (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
08 Buffalo Stampede (Aftermath)
09 Climb A Higher Hill (ext. version)
10 The Van Valen Auction (from: HOW THE WEST..)
11 Gant (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
12 No Goodbye (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
13 Celebration (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
14 Finale (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
15 Finale Ultimo (from: HOW THE WEST WAS WON)
16 Exit Music: Banks Of The Sacramento
17 Miss Bailey's Ghost (playback)
18 A Home In The Meadow (playback version)
19 When I Was Single (playback version)
20 Shenandoah (alternate version)
21 Rock Of Ages (playback version)
22 The Erie Canal (playback version)
23 Wait For The Hoedown (extended version)
24 First Meeting (alternate version)
25 No Goodbye (demo) (from: HOW THE WEST..)
26 A Home In The Meadow (alternate version)
27 Main Title & Katherine Theme(from:McLINTOCK!)
28 Hurry Up Hoedown (from: McLINTOCK!)
29 The Other Woman (from: McLINTOCK!)
30 Rowdaych (from: McLINTOCK!)
31 Run Katie Run (from: McLINTOCK!)
32 McClintock's Theme (from: McLINTOCK!)
33 The Young (from: McLINTOCK!)
34 The Lover's Waltz (from: McLINTOCK!)
35 Just Right For Me (from: McLINTOCK!)
36 Red Garters (from: McLINTOCK!)
37 The Cakewalk (from: McLINTOCK!)
38 Katie With Light Red Hair(from:McLINTOCK!)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 4
01 Main Title (from: THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER)
02 Texas Is A Woman (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)
03 The Elders Fight (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)
04 Dangerous Journey (from:THE SONS OF K.ELDER)
05 Trouble In Town (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)
06 Return To Town (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)
07 The Sons Of Katie Elder
08 Rebuked (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)
09 Memories of Clearwater(from:THE SONS OF K.E.)
10 Sheriff Ambushed (from: THE SONS OF K. ELDER)
11 Katie's Bible (from: THE SONS OF KATIE ELDER)
12 Hastings Ranch (from: THE SONS OF K.ELDER)
13 El Dorado (from: EL DORADO)
14 La Mariposa (from: EL DORADO)
15 Dos Espuelas (from: EL DORADO)
16 Free Frijoles (from: EL DORADO)
17 Hasta Luego (from: EL DORADO)
18 Shoot Out (from: EL DORADO)
19 La Noche Y Las Estrellas (from: EL DORADO)
20 Cuerval (from: EL DORADO)
21 La Cantina (from: EL DORADO)
22 El Dorado (from: EL DORADO)
23 True Grit (from: TRUE GRIT)
24 Rooster (from: TRUE GRIT)
25 Mattie And Little Blackie (from: TRUE GRIT)
26 A Dastardly Deed (from: TRUE GRIT)
27 Papa's Things (from: TRUE GRIT)
28 True Grit (from: TRUE GRIT)
29 Chen Lee And The General (from: TRUE GRIT)
30 Big Trail (from: TRUE GRIT)
31 Cogburn Country (from: TRUE GRIT)
32 True Grit (from: TRUE GRIT)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 5
01 Dixie (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
02 I Left My Love (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
03 Lorena (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
04 Bonnie Blue Flag (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
05 I Left My Love (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
06 When Johnny Comes Marching Home
07 Bonnie Blue Flag (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
08 The Girl I Left Behind Me
09 Deep River / Lorena (THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
10 Kingdom Coming (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
11 Tenting Tonight (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
12 By The Campfire (from: THE HORSE SOLDIERS)
13 When Johnny Comes Marching Home
14 Main Title-Ballad Of The War Wagon(WAR WAGON)
15 Ballad Of The War Wagon (Studio) (WAR WAGON)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 6
01 Main Title (from: THE UNDEFEATED)
02 The Battle Cry Of Freedom / Dixie(UNDEFEATED)
03 Yankee Doodle / End Title (THE UNDEFEATED)
04 Ballad Of John Chisum (from: CHISUM)
05 Polka (from: CHISUM)
06 Turn Me Around (from: CHISUM)
07 Main Title / End Title (from: RIO LOBO)
08 Main Title (from: BIG JAKE)
09 End Title (from: BIG JAKE)
10 Orchestral Sequence (from: THE TRAIN ROBBERS)
12 Streets Of Laredo (from:CAHILL, US MARSHAL)
13 Orchestral Sequence (from:CAHILL, US MARSHAL)
14 A Man Gets To Thinking (CAHILL, US MARSHAL)
15 Main Title / End (from: ROOSTER COGBURN)
16 Main Title (from: THE SHOOTIST)
17 Tit-willow (from: THE SHOOTIST)
18 End Title (from: THE SHOOTIST)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 7
01 Main Title / Return From Patrol (RIO GRANDE)
02 Yellow Stripes (from: RIO GRANDE)
03 Soldiers Fight (from: RIO GRANDE)
04 I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen(RIO GRANDE)
05 Dispossessed (from: RIO GRANDE)
06 Cattle Call (from: RIO GRANDE)
07 Indian Chant (from: RIO GRANDE)
08 Aha, San Antone (from: RIO GRANDE)
09 Reunion (from: RIO GRANDE)
10 Indian Raid / Escape (from: RIO GRANDE)
11 The Erie Canal (from: RIO GRANDE)
12 Laundresses' Row (from: RIO GRANDE)
13 My Gal Is Purple (from: RIO GRANDE)
14 Down By The Glenside (from: RIO GRANDE)
15 Footsore Cavalry (from: RIO GRANDE)
16 Meeting At The Rio Grande (from: RIO GRANDE)
17 Confederate Dollars And Yankee Gold
18 The Girl I Left Behind Me (from: RIO GRANDE)
19 Tyree Meets The Wagon Train (from:RIO GRANDE)
20 Call Your Volunteers (from: RIO GRANDE)
21 Indian Dance (from: RIO GRANDE)
22 Nighttime Approach (from: RIO GRANDE)
23 Coming Home (from: RIO GRANDE)
24 Dixie / End Title (from: RIO GRANDE)
26 Eight Hundred Miles (FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN)
27 Oh, Hangman, Let Me Down(FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN)
28 Six Hundred Miles (FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN)
29 Main Title / End Title (from: HONDO)
30 The Searchers (from: THE SEARCHERS)
31 Skip To My Lou (THE SEARCHERS)
32 We Will Gather At The River (THE SEARCHERS)
33 The Searchers (Studio) (THE SEARCHERS)
34 Main Title (from: RIO BRAVO)
35 My Rifle, Pony & Me (Intro by John Wayne)
36 Cindy (from: RIO BRAVO)
37 De Guello (from: RIO BRAVO)
38 Rio Bravo (Studio version) (from: RIO BRAVO)
39 My Rifle, My Pony And Me (Studio) (RIO BRAVO)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 8
01 Main Title / End Title (from: THE BIG TRAIL)
02 Square Dance (from: THE BIG TRAIL)
03 Main Title / End Title (from: HAUNTED GOLD)
04 Sweet Genevieve (from: HAUNTED GOLD)
05 Main Title (from: TEXAS CYCLONE)
06 End Title (from: TEXAS CYCLONE)
07 Main Title: My Pony Boy (RIDE HIM, COWBOY)
08 Till We Meet Again (from: RIDE HIM, COWBOY)
09 She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain
10 Main Title (from: THE BIG STAMPEDE)
11 Oh Susanna (from: THE BIG STAMPEDE)
12 End Title (from: THE BIG STAMPEDE)
13 Main Title: March (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)
14 Orchestral Sequence (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)
15 Country Dance (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)
16 Oh Susanna (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)
17 Mandy Lee (from: TELEGRAPH TRAIL)
18 Main Title (from: SOMEWHERE IN SONORA)
19 March (from: SOMEWHERE IN SONORA)
20 Main Title (spanish) (THE MAN FROM MONTEREY)
21 [El Zapatero] (from: THE MAN FROM MONTEREY)
22 [Confida a me] (from: THE MAN FROM MONTEREY)
23 Main Title (Sagebrush Trail)
24 A Cowboy's Song Of Fate (RIDERS OF DESTINY)
25 Song Of The Wild (from: RIDERS OF DESTINY)
26 Main Title (The Star Packer (THE LUCKY TEXAN)
27 Main Title (Blue Steel) (WEST OF THE DIVIDE)
28 March (from: THE MAN FROM UTAH)
29 Main Title (Randy Rides Alone)
30 Sobre Las Olas (from: RANDY RIDES ALONE)
31 Main Title (from: 'NEATH ARIZONA SKIES)
32 Main Title (The Desert Trail)(RAINBOW VALLEY)
33 When We Were Young And Foolish (PARAD.CANYON)
34 Once Again (from: PARADISE CANYON)
35 Main Title (from: WESTWARD HO)
36 Covered Wagons Rolling West (WESTWARD HO)
37 The Rocky Road To Town (WESTWARD HO)
38 The Girl I See In My Dreams (WESTWARD HO)
39 Drinkin' (from: LAWLESS RANGE)
40 On The Banks Sunny San Juan (LAWLESS RANGE)
41 The Old Dusty Road Back Home (LAWLESS RANGE)
42 Main Title (from: THE LAWLESS NINETIES)
44 Main Title (from: KING OF THE PECOS)
45 Orchestral Sequence (from: KING OF THE PECOS)
46 Main Title (from: LONELY TRAIL)
47 Camptown Races (from: THE LONELY TRAIL)
48 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (THE LONELY TRAIL)
49 Old Folks At Home (from: THE LONELY TRAIL)
50 Main Title / End Title (PALS OF THE SADDLE)
51 Orchestral Sequence (OVERLAND STAGE RAIDERS)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 9
01 Main Title (from: STAGECOACH)
02 Orchestral Sequence (from: STAGECOACH)
03 [Al pensar en ti] (from: STAGECOACH)
04 End Title (from: STAGECOACH)
05 End Title (from: WYOMING OUTLAW)
06 Main Title (from: THE NEW FRONTIER)
07 The Land Of The New Frontier (NEW FRONTIER)
08 [Way Out On The Range] (THE NEW FRONTIER)
09 Main Title / End Title (ALLEGHENY UPRISING)
10 Jeannie McDougal (from: ALLEGHENY UPRISING)
11 Fife and Drum March (ALLEGHENY UPRISING)
12 Yankee Doodle (from: ALLEGHENY UPRISING)
13 Main Title / End Title (from: DARK COMMAND)
14 Main Title (from: THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS)
15 Unconstant Lover (THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS)
17 Orchestral Sequence (SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS)
18 Happy, Happy Hunting Ground (SHEPHERD HILLS)
19 Main Title / End Title (from: THE SPOILERS)
20 California Joe (from: IN OLD CALIFORNIA)
21 Jerusalem My Happy Home (IN OLD CALIFORNIA)
22 March (from: IN OLD CALIFORNIA)
23 There's Gold In The Valley (OLD CALIFORNIA)
24 Main Title (from: LADY TAKES A CHANCE)
25 Singin' It, Swingin' It (LADY TAKES A CHANCE)
26 Main Title / End Title (IN OLD OKLAHOMA)
27 Red Wing (from: IN OLD OKLAHOMA)
28 Put Your Arms Around Me Honey (OLD OKLAHOMA)
29 Down By The Old Mill Stream (OLD OKLAHOMA)
30 Pierpoint Morgan (from: IN OLD OKLAHOMA)
31 Main Title / End Title (TALL IN THE SADDLE)
32 Main Title / End Title (BARBARY COAST)
33 Too Much Mustard (FLAME OF BARBARY COAST)
35 Love, Here Is My Heart (BARBARY COAST)
36 Love, Here Is My Heart (from: BARBARY COAST)
37 Carrie, Marry Harry (from: BARBARY COAST)
38 By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
39 That Man Is Always On My Mind
41 Main Title (from: DAKOTA)
42 Coax Me! (from: DAKOTA)
43 Orchestral Sequence (ANGEL AND THE BADMAN)
44 There's Something In Your Eyes (BADMAN)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 10
01 Main Title (from: FORT APACHE)
02 McCafferty's March (from: FORT APACHE)
03 Sweet Genevieve (from: FORT APACHE)
04 Orchestral Sequence (from: FORT APACHE)
05 Irish Jig (from: FORT APACHE)
06 Oh, Dem Golden Slippers (from: FORT APACHE)
07 Col. Thursday's Charge (from: FORT APACHE)
08 Settle Down To Missouri (from: RED RIVER)
09 She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
10 Orchestral Sequence (YELLOW RIBBON)
11 Main Title (from: THREE GODFATHERS)
12 Streets of Laredo (from: THREE GODFATHERS)
13 Orchestral Sequence (from: THREE GODFATHERS)
14 Shall We Gather At The River (GODFATHERS)
15 Opening 'Screen Directors' Guild Assignment'
16 Intro by George Marshall and John Ford
17 Stagecoach
18 Short discussion of the production (from:NBC)
19 Closing by Frank Barton (from: 1949 NBC)
Wayne, John - John Wayne's West - In Music And Poster Art (10-CD & 1-DVD Deluxe Box Set) Box set 11
01 Stagecoach - Trailer (1939)
02 She Wore A Yellow Ribbon - Trailer (1948)
03 Three Godfathers - Trailer (1948)
04 Rio Grande - Trailer (1950)
05 Hondo - Trailer (1953)
06 The Searchers - Trailer (1956)
07 Natalie Wood Interview
08 Jeffrey Hunter Interview
09 Monument Valley
10 Rio Bravo - Trailer (1959)
11 The Horse Soldiers - Trailer (1959)
12 The Alamo - Trailer (October 24, 1960)
13 North To Alaska - Trailer (1960)
14 The Comancheros - Trailer (1961)
15 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Trailer
16 How The West Was Won - Trailer (1962)
17 McLintock! - Trailer (1963) + Making Of
18 The Sons Of Katie Elder - Trailer (1965)
19 The War Wagon - Trailer (1967) + Makin Of
20 El Dorado - Trailer (June 1967)
21 True Grit - Trailer (July 1969)
22 The Undefeated - Trailer (November 1969)
23 Chisum - Trailer (1970) + Orig. Documentation
24 Rio Lobo - Trailer (December 1970)
25 Big Jake - Trailer (June 1971)
26 The Cowboys - 3 Trailer (1972) + Making Of
27 The Train Robbers - Trailer (February 1973)
28 Cahill, United States Marshal -Trailer (1973)
29 Rooster Cogburn - Trailer (1975)
30 The Shootist - Trailer (1976)