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The Coasters The Coasters - Rock (CD)

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1-CD Digipac (6-seitig) mit 36-seitigem Booklet, 31 Titel, Gesamtspieldauer ca. 79 Minuten. ... mehr

The Coasters: The Coasters - Rock (CD)

1-CD Digipac (6-seitig) mit 36-seitigem Booklet, 31 Titel, Gesamtspieldauer ca. 79 Minuten. 

The Coasters – Rock
    Die Coasters waren eine der populärsten Vokalgruppen der Musikgeschichte!
  • Wir haben ihre besten Rock 'n' Roll-Songs wie 'That Is Rock And Roll', 'Yakety Yak', 'Keep On Rolling', 'Idol With The Golden Head', 'Turtle Dovin' und viele hier zusammengefasst.
  • Enthält das komplette Uptempo-Material, das zwischen 1957 und 1962 für Atco Records aufgenommen wurde.
  • Neben ihren Hits enthält diese Zusammenstellung auch weniger bekannte Titel wie 'Gee Golly', 'Thumbin' A Ride', 'Stewball' und 'Teach Me How To Shimmy'.
  • 31 Titel und ein 36 Seiten starkes Booklet in einem eleganten Digipak, mit Linernotes von Bill Dahl.
  • Die Coasters waren neben den Drifters und den Platters eine der erfolgreichsten Gesangsgruppen der 1950er und frühen 1960er Jahre. Die Gruppe wurde 1957 in Los Angeles aus zwei Mitgliedern der Robins, Bobby Nunn und Carl Gardner, und Billy Guy, Leon Hughes und Adolph Jacobs gebildet. Die Coasters wurden von keinen Geringeren als Jerry Leiber und Mike Stoller produziert, die auch die meisten ihrer Hits wie 'Charlie Brown', 'Yakety Yak', 'Young Blood' und 'Poison Ivy' schrieben.
    Die Coasters waren die erste Gruppe, die 1987 in die Rock and Roll Hall of Fame aufgenommen wurde. Ihre bahnbrechende Mischung aus rauhem Humor und rockigen Rhythmen verdient ohne Frage eine solch hohe Wertschätzung, direkt neben Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Little Richard und Elvis.

    Video von The Coasters - The Coasters - Rock (CD)

    Artikeleigenschaften von The Coasters: The Coasters - Rock (CD)

    • Interpret: The Coasters

    • Albumtitel: The Coasters - Rock (CD)

    • Genre Rock'n'Roll

    • Label Bear Family Records

    • Preiscode AR
    • Edition 2 Deluxe Edition
    • Artikelart CD

    • EAN: 5397102175268

    • Gewicht in Kg: 0.115
    Coasters, The - The Coasters - Rock (CD) CD 1
    01 That Is Rock And Roll The Coasters
    02 Idol With The Golden Head The Coasters
    03 Yakety Yak The Coasters
    04 (Ain’t That) Just Like Me The Coasters
    05 Dance! The Coasters
    06 Searchin’ The Coasters
    07 Three Cool Cats (Stereo) The Coasters
    08 Down In Mexico The Coasters
    09 Stewball The Coasters
    10 Young Blood The Coasters
    11 Poison Ivy The Coasters
    12 Brazil The Coasters
    13 Besame Mucho (part I) The Coasters
    14 Run Red Run The Coasters
    15 Along Came Jones The Coasters
    16 Turtle Dovin’ The Coasters
    17 Little Egypt (Ying-Yang) The Coasters
    18 What About Us The Coasters
    19 I’m A Hog For You The Coasters
    20 Girls Girls Girls (part I) The Coasters
    21 The Shadow Knows The Coasters
    22 Wait A Minute The Coasters
    23 Gee Golly The Coasters
    24 Charlie Brown The Coasters
    25 Sorry, But I’mGonna Have To Pass The Coasters
    26 Bad Blood The Coasters
    27 Keep On Rolling The Coasters
    28 Thumbin’ A Ride The Coasters
    29 (When She Wants Good Lovin’) My Baby Comes To Me The Coasters
    30 Teach Me How To Shimmy The Coasters
    31 Girls Girls Girls (part II) The Coasters
    The Coasters The Coasters were created in 1955 from the nucleus of a Los Angeles based group,... mehr
    "The Coasters"

    The Coasters

    The Coasters were created in 1955 from the nucleus of a Los Angeles based group, the Robins. They were the agents through which Leiber and Stoller marketed some of the most entertaining songs of the Fifties. Founder member Bobby Nunn had led the Robins through numerous West Coast labels, recorded with Johnny Otis on Savoy, and had a hit with Little Esther Phillips, 'Double Crossing Blues' (1950), before teaming with Leiber and Stoller on RCA in 1953. When the writing and producing duo formed their own label, Spark, a year later, they scored several local hits with the Robins, notably 'Riot In Cell Block No. 9' (featuring Rich-ard Berry), 'Framed' (Nunn), 'The Hatchet Man' (Nunn), and `Smokey Joe's Café' (Carl Gardner).

    Eight cuts from this period were later included on the first Coasters' album and have subsequently been regarded as Coasters' record-ings. Attracted by the success of `Smokey Joe's Café', Atlantic signed them to their subsidiary label, Atco, retaining Leiber and Stoller as the creative force behind the group. Gardner and Nunn, with newcomers Billy Guy and Leon Hughes (also from California), were renamed the Coasters and achieved widespread popularity with their first releases `Down In Mexico' and 'One Kiss Leads To Another' (1956), followed more emphatically by `Searchin' rYoung Blood' (1957) — a Top Ten pop hit. After three less successful outings, Nunn and Hughes were replaced by Will `Dub' Jones and Come! Gunter who, with Guy and Gardner, formed the quartet that recorded all the other famous Coas-ters' hits : `Yakety Yak' (1958) — their only No. 1— 'Charlie Brown', 'Along Came Jones', 'Poison Ivy' (1959), and 'Little Egypt' (1961).

    The arrangement of these records used the differing character of each singer's voice to full effect around a catchy guitar figure (often Mickey Baker) or a fruity sax break (King Curtis). The production, particularly on the Robins' and early Coasters' releases, was far superior to any

    Besame Mucho

    Even The Coasters, clown princes of rock and roll, were in a spicy Latin mood. That was the doing of their Atco producers, Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, who were enjoying much success applying saucy baion rhythms to the output of The Drifters.

    After a stellar 1959 that found them crashing the pop Top Ten three times with the Leiber/Stoller comic playlets Charlie Brown (it's on our previous disc), the Western sendup Along Came Jones, and Poison Ivy, The Coasters cooled off in '60. Their top seller, Wake Me, Shake Me, didn't even crack the Top 50. Another 1960 release, the ghetto vignette Shoppin' For Clothes, was credited to Leiber and Stoller but was an uncredited adaptation of Boogaloo and His Gallant Crew's '56 release Clothes Line (Wrap It Up) on L.A.-based Crest Records. Boogaloo was actually its writer, Kent Harris (eventually authorship was credited to all three).

    Closest to the doo-wop tradition was their '60 update of Besame Mucho, the 1940 work of Mexican songwriter Consuelo Velazquez (Sunny Skylar added English lyrics; the title translates to Kiss Me Much). Bandleader Jimmy Dorsey had a huge hit with it in 1944; The Ray-O-Vacs' Decca version went to #5 R&B in 1950. The Coasters' update was done February 26, 1960 at Atlantic's New York studios and spread over both sides of a single. Part 1 rides a surging Latin undertow, bass singer Will 'Dub' Jones stepping up for a rare lead turn (an entirely serious one at that). Carl Gardner, Billy Guy, and Cornel Gunter join in for the bridge, and sax master King Curtis unleashes a barrage of yakety licks near the fade. Fans must have been perplexed; Besame Mucho only made a #70 pop impression that spring.

    The Coasters never regained their chart domination, though they did have '61 hits with Little Egypt (Ying-Yang) and Part II of Girls, Girls, Girls. They remained on Atco into the mid-'60s, ex-Cadillacs lead Earl Carroll joining in 1961 and Gunter exiting. A move to Columbia's Date label didn't reverse their fading fortunes. A bewildering array of Coasters groups toured the country from the '70s on. Gunter led one, Gardner another, and there were plenty more with no one recognizable at all. Carl fronted his until shortly before his June 12, 2011 death from heart disease. Gunter was shot to death in his car in Las Vegas on February 26, 1990. Diabetes killed Jones on January 16, 2000, and Guy died November 5, 2002.

    Great as The Coasters' hitmaking legacy was, Gardner dreamed of a different career. "My regret is that I didn't get to sing the type of tunes that I would like to have sung, such as a lot of pop things," he said. "I would like to have done a lot of pop, like 'Stardust,' 'Mona Lisa,' 'Willow Weep For Me' things. And jazz, scatting, whatever. But it didn't sell. So a person must go where the bread is."

    Various - Street Corner Symphonies 1960 Vol.12

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    Copyright © Bear Family Records

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    Kundenbewertungen für "The Coasters - Rock (CD)"

    A not-to-be-missed release.

    In the 1950s, doo-wop groups shot up like mushrooms in the US. For many of them, fame was limited to their homeland and others even had to make do with a rather local fame. One that stood head and shoulders above this was definitely The Coasters. The Coasters were founded in 1955 around lead singer Carl Gardner. Their humorous songs made the band unique, so they were virtually free of competition. Moreover, they were able to appeal to songs by the well-known writers duo Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller. They were also responsible for their biggest hit 'Yakety Yak', with which The Coasters gained world fame. If the songs of other doo-wop bands often had teenage lovers or broken hearts as subjects, The Coasters sometimes took a completely different tack. A good example of this is their other big hit 'Charlie Brown' also a Leiber-Stoller composition. That composer duo would give them even more excellent material. Dance!', 'Three Cool Cats', Poison Ivy', 'I'm A Hog For You', 'Girls, Girls, Girls' or the clownish brought 'The Shadow Knows' are just some of the 'Leiber/Stoller' songs that can be found on this album. The Coasters also knew like no other how to connect doo-wop and rock 'n' roll. This can be heard immediately in the opener with the appropriate title 'That Is Rock And Roll'. Originally surprising The Coasters come out of the corner with their version of the classic 'Besame Mucho', while 'Ridin' Hood' floats on a delicious rhythm & blues groove.
    Besides the above mentioned hits, you'll also find some less known, but no less tasteful songs on this compilation. This album, which is part of the Bear Family released 'Rock' series, contains all the uptempo songs The Coasters recorded for Atco Records between 1957 and 1962. All this, complemented by the 36 pages richly illustrated booklet with liner notes by Bill Dahl, makes this compilation a not-to-be-missed release.



    Super Album !!!


    Long overdue

    Boom! I was hoping that Bear Family would include The Coasters in their fabulous 'Rock' series and finally here we go! A great mixture of hits and lesser known songs! I really dig the stereo version of 'Three Cool Cats'! Great stuff!


    Another welcome ‘Rocks’ CD!

    The Coasters - Rock! Bear Family BCD17526
    Hot on the heels on the fabulous Scotty McKay release is another welcome ‘Rocks’ cd, this time by the much better known Coasters. The Rocks series perfectly capture the great rocking sounds that came out of the US in the 50s and have mixed well known artists like Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis with more marginal acts like Scotty McKay and Rusty York.
    The Coasters, coming like a phoenix from the flames of the Robins, were signed to Atlantic’s sister label, Atco, in ‘55 and in January ’56 cut the magnificent ‘Down In Mexico’ and ‘Turtle Dovin’ to become the first classic of the group – and every three or months there was another, just as good, throughout the ‘50s and early ‘60s. Listening to the CD it’s a crime that songs as good as ‘I’m a Hog For You Baby’ and ‘Bad Blood’ were hidden on the flip-sides. But they were.
    So does the world need another Coasters release, particularly as this CD retails at £14 and there are £5 boots available? The answer is a resounding ‘Yes’. Containing 32 of their uptempo releases the cd effectively works as a ‘best of’ and so much more. Included are the evergreens ‘Searchin’, ‘Yakety Yak’ and ‘Charlie Brown’ along with classics like ‘The Shadow Knows’, Lieber and Stoller’s ode to the clap, ‘Poison Ivy’ and ‘Ain’t That Just Like Me’. For me the cd is made by the inclusion of songs like ‘Idol With the Golden Head’, ‘Dance’ and ‘Gee Golly’ – all should and could have been hits.
    Like all the Rock series, the generous booklet is crammed full of photos including a great one of them appearing on Wink Martindale’s show – showing how good RnR was at breaking the racial divide. Bill Dahl takes care of the liner notes and carefully explains the comings and goings of the members of the band that, for me, was the best of them all.


    mmmmh Stewball!

    great CD need THe Robins also!

    stay healthy folks

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    Coasters, The - The Coasters - Rock (CD) CD 1
    01 That Is Rock And Roll
    02 Idol With The Golden Head
    03 Yakety Yak
    04 (Ain’t That) Just Like Me
    05 Dance!
    06 Searchin’
    07 Three Cool Cats (Stereo)
    08 Down In Mexico
    09 Stewball
    10 Young Blood
    11 Poison Ivy
    12 Brazil
    13 Besame Mucho (part I)
    14 Run Red Run
    15 Along Came Jones
    16 Turtle Dovin’
    17 Little Egypt (Ying-Yang)
    18 What About Us
    19 I’m A Hog For You
    20 Girls Girls Girls (part I)
    21 The Shadow Knows
    22 Wait A Minute
    23 Gee Golly
    24 Charlie Brown
    25 Sorry, But I’mGonna Have To Pass
    26 Bad Blood
    27 Keep On Rolling
    28 Thumbin’ A Ride
    29 (When She Wants Good Lovin’) My Baby Comes To Me
    30 Teach Me How To Shimmy
    31 Girls Girls Girls (part II)